II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code:
Main site or place of performance:
Community Dietetics Dept
Riverside Health Centre
Wellington St
CF11 9SH
But Deliveries of products will be across various Hospital sites in Wales
II.2.4) Description of the procurement
Type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is a serious condition which can get worse over time and is a growing health concern. It’s a lifelong condition for many people, but evidence is emerging that it does not have to be for everyone. Treatments have historically focused on optimizing glycaemic control using pharmaceutical agents. Data from studies utilizing total diet replacement (TDR) to facilitate weight loss have shown that the most significant predictor of remission is weight loss.
Dietitians from 4 health boards within Wales have been supporting eligible people with T2DM to manage their weight and achieve remission. The current programme supports people toward achieving remission through the use of fully funded TDR to facilitate weight loss over an initial 12 week period, within a structured intervention (Counterweight Plus) which offers a total of 12 months continued regular support with a Dietitian.
To enable the roll out across Wales of the Dietetic led diabetes remission intervention:
Good & Services Required
1. The supply and provision of 3-4 meal replacement shakes per day for approximately 150 patients (ie. Approx.12,600 -16,800 shakes per month). These must be nutritionally complete and available in a variety of flavours both sweet and savoury,
2. A central point for the ordering and distribution of the product to the participants.
3. Structured competency-based training and mentoring for the dietitians across Wales delivering the intervention.
4. Resources for screening patients for suitability.
5. Provision of medical support around the use of total diet replacements (TDR) with certain individuals who have more complex health needs.
6. Production and the updating, of medical management guidelines to support GPs manage patients whilst on the 12 month diabetes remission intervention. These include monitoring and medication adjustment guidelines.
7. Produce and update staff resources, which are available to support the delivery of the intervention as either face to face/ virtual one to one and/or group based.
8. Produce and update patient resources, suitable for both face to face /virtual one to one and/or group-based delivery of the intervention.
9. Provide support for data collection and evaluation.
10. Produce evidence that the products and resources have been used to support diabetes remission, mirroring the DiRECT study.
The provider is required to confirm that they have the capacity and capability to provide and supply the product and resources to participants across Wales throughout the duration of the 12-18 month intervention, commencing November/December 2021 (assuming the bidder is awarded the contract).
II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds:
II.2.14) Additional information
At this stage it is not yet known what providers exist in the market therefore this notice is issued inviting suppliers to provide more information on the products they supply in order to explore the option to issue a tender via a competitive exercise pending on the responses received.