Additional Information
Suppliers' Instructions 'How to Express Interest in this ITT:
1. Register your company on the etenderwales portal (this is required only once. However if your details
have changed since you registered you will need to up-date them).
- Browse to the eSourcing Portal:
- Click the 'Suppliers register here' link.
- Complete the ‘Organisation Details’ and ‘User Details’ sections.
- Note the username you choose and click 'Save' when complete.
- You will shortly receive an email with your unique password (please keep this secure).
- Agree to the terms and conditions and click 'continue'.
2. Express an interest in the ITT.
- Login to the portal with the username / password.
- Click the ITT Open to all Suppliers’ link.
- Alternatively, search for the relevant ITT (itt_102280).
- Click on the relevant ITT to access the content.
- Click the 'Express Interest' button on the right-hand side of the screen.
- This will move the ITT into your 'My ITT pages'. (This is a secure area reserved for your projects only.)
- Click on the ITT code, you can now access any attachments by selecting ‘Buyer Attachments'.
3. Responding to the ITT.
- You can now choose to 'Respond’ or ‘Decline to Respond' (please give a reason if declining).
- You can now use the 'Messages' function to communicate with the buyer and seek any clarification.
- Note the ‘Closing Date’, and then follow the onscreen instructions to complete the ITT.
(WA Ref:130741)
The buyer considers that this contract is suitable for consortia bidding.