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22799 Results
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Fibrespeed Sale Update and Final Call for Expressions of Interest
NOTE - this is not a tender opportunity. In August 2023, the Welsh Government begun the process of market engagement in relation to the proposed disposal of the Fibrespeed network located in North Wales. The Fibrespeed network, is a fibre network owned by the Welsh Government and operated by Fibrespeed Ltd on its behalf. Market engagement has now been completed, and the formal sales process will shortly commence. The purpose of this Speculative Notice (SN) is to provide any interested parties with a final opportunity to express an interest in participating in a sales process for the purchas...
Reference no: MAR503790
Published by: Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government
Published to: Site
Deadline date:
Notice Type: Prior information notice
OCID: ocds-kuma6s-148923
Location: Isle of Anglesey...

Wales National Workforce Reporting System (WNWRS)
Three month contract for the provision of the Wales National Workforce Reporting System to enable migration of data and transition to a new solution.
Reference no: MAR503791
Published by: NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)
Published to: S2W/FTS
Deadline date:
Notice Type: UK5
OCID: ocds-h6vhtk-04f785
Location: WALES

Venue Cymru - Fire Detection and Alarm System Upgrade 2025
Upgrade of the existing fire detection and alarm system at Venue Cymru Theatre and Conference Centre.
Reference no: MAR503789
Published by: Conwy County Borough Council
Published to: Site
Deadline date: 17/04/2025
Notice Type: Contract notice
OCID: ocds-kuma6s-149274
Location: Conwy and Denbighshire

Generator Maintenance with the provision for Emergency Generator replacement
The University requires a single service provider to deliver maintenance Services for Generators, Fuel Management and the supply of temporary Generator sets and fuel tanks including required equipment. This Contract will include Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) and an emergency call out retainer. The successful supplier will also be required to deliver Reactive Maintenance, emergency call out visits and remedial works as a chargeable service. The provision for capital or emergency replacement shall also be included as a chargeable service where necessary. CPV: 50532300, 50532300.
Reference no: MAR503787
Published by: Cardiff University
Published to: FTS
Deadline date:
Notice Type: Contract award notice
OCID: ocds-kuma6s-145497
Location: Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan
Value:1500000 GBP

Provision of Ground Maintenance Works at Whitchurch Hospital Grounds
Velindre University NHS Trust requires a contractor to undertake vegetation clearance and grounds maintenance at Whitchurch Hospital—comprising the main hospital building, six Grade 2 listed pavilions, and protected woodland areas—while adhering to ecological legislation and Tree Preservation Orders.
Reference no: MAR503786
Published by: NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)
Published to: S2W/FTS
Deadline date: 04/04/2025
Notice Type: UK4
OCID: ocds-h6vhtk-04f76f
Location: Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan

Retrofit and Decarbonisation Framework
LHC Procurement Group has awarded for our Retrofit and Decarbonisation Framework - N9. This new Framework will replace LHCPG's successful Energy Efficiency Framework (N8) and our Energy Efficiency Consultancy Framework (N8C). The Retrofit and Decarbonisation Framework will provide our clients with access to a range of retrofit and decarbonisation measures on their approach to achieving net zero targets. This Framework consists of the following workstreams, and lots within them: WORKSTREAM 1 - CONSULTANCY SERVICES Lot 1 - Energy Policy/Strategy and Grant Funding Support Lot 2 - Management...
Reference no: MAR503785
Published by: LHC Procurement Group for the Welsh Procurement Alliance (WPA)
Published to: FTS
Deadline date:
Notice Type: Contract award notice
OCID: ocds-kuma6s-141010
Location: WALES...
Value:80000000 GBP

Clinical Exams and Assessment Software
Tender Documents are available for download at suppliers are required to register on the above tender portal and express interest to obtain documents.Six schools in the College of Biomedical and Life Sciences assess their students’ practical, clinical and communication skills using Objective Structured Clinical Examinations. They are high stake exams and form an essential component for clinical, regulated Programmes. Manual, paper-based processes and manual data entry present a high risk of human error, so a software solution i...
Reference no: MAR503784
Published by: Cardiff University
Published to: S2W/FTS
Deadline date: 16/04/2025
Notice Type: UK4
OCID: ocds-h6vhtk-04f745
Location: UK - All

Cardiff & Vale University Hospital ibml Scanner
Replacement equipment is sought to enable the continuation of the University Health Board’s primary programme for digitising / scanning acute medical records.
Reference no: MAR503782
Published by: NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)
Published to: S2W/FTS
Deadline date:
Notice Type: UK5
OCID: ocds-h6vhtk-04f738
Location: Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan

Clinical Exams and Assessment Software
Six schools in the College of Biomedical and Life Sciences assess their students’ practical, clinical and communication skills using Objective Structured Clinical Examinations. They are high stake exams and form an essential component for clinical, regulated Programmes. Manual, paper-based processes and manual data entry present a high risk of human error, so a software solution is being sought.
Reference no: MAR503783
Published by: Cardiff University
Published to: S2W/FTS
Deadline date: 16/04/2025
Notice Type: UK4
OCID: ocds-h6vhtk-04f736
Location: UK - All

UPDATED Cardiff International Sports Village Energy Strategy
The Council is issuing this Preliminary Market Engagement Notice to commence preliminary market engagement with interested contractors in respect of a future procurement process that it intends to conduct. The procurement process aims to appoint a contractor to deliver a turn-key solution inclusive of funding, design, construction, operation and maintenance of an energy solution across the Sports Village in Cardiff Bay -the Scheme.The Scheme is essential to protect the long-term sustainability of the existing sport and leisure facilities given the volatility of energy price and the Council’s...
Reference no: MAR503781
Published by: Cardiff Council
Published to: S2W/FTS
Deadline date: 20/03/2025
Notice Type: UK2
OCID: ocds-h6vhtk-04f72b
Location: Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan

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