Description of the goods or services required
Trivallis are seeking to appoint a suitably experienced and competent provider with a demonstrable track record of working with similar organisations within the Housing Sector
The appointed provider will be required to deliver Internal Audit Services, including the provision of advice, reviews, and the delivery of an audit programme for Trivallis.
Trivallis expects the successful service provider to deliver, but not be limited to, the following services:
I. Provision of an added value internal audit service which supports and improves the Board Assurance and Internal Controls Framework;
II. In conjunction with the Executive Leadership Team and the Audit and Risk Committee design a rolling 3-year internal audit programme including the follow up of previous recommendations;
III. Present key findings to the Group’s Audit & Risk Committee;
IV. Provide support to the Audit & Risk Committee;
V. Liaise with the external auditors to provide assurance to the Board;
VI. Advise on relevant legislative and regulatory updates
We particularly welcome responses from small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at