Description of the contract
Future Farms Site – Contractors Tender Opportunity
Location: Just off the Village of Sarn, Powys.
Tenders Open: Friday 22nd November 2024
Tenders Close: 5pm Thursday 5th December 2024
Tenders assessed: Monday 9th December
Bidders notified: Monday 9th December
Project Overview
Future Farms is a partnership funded pilot project to create 3 new affordable, low impact rural enterprise dwellings, a shared packing / storage shed and other associated works on a 35 acre, bare land, holding on the outskirts of the village of Sarn, Powys.
A full planning application has been submitted to the Local Planning Authority and can be found searching the Powys Planning Portal using the following reference: 24/0443/FUL and an additional application for a ground mounted solar array has been submitted: Reference: 24/1319/FUL
We are now seeking quotations from suitably experienced and qualified groundworks contractors to set out and develop some of the associated infrastructure for the site.
A full and detailed ‘Bill of Quantities’ is given to help cost any tender submission. Please use this as the basis for submission, clearly indicating any additional costs lines that would form part of the contract. Please indicate where VAT is applicable and at what amount.
Please note this is a funded project and the timeframes for completion are very tight and we are aiming to have substantial groundworks completed by VERY early in the New Year, please give a detailed indication of which elements of the BoQ would be completed by.
Received tenders will be scored against the following criteria:
Item % Score / Weighting
Value for Money: 60%
Start Date & Completion Time Frames: 30%
Trading History & Satisfactory Due Diligence: 10%
We continue to anticipate issuing further tender opportunities for other elements of the site developments in due course.
Files / Drawings to use when considering your tender submission:
1. Bill of Quantities
2. General Site Layout
3. Detailed drawings
4. Drainage Strategy
5. Other files as contained in the planning application 24/0443/FUL
Process for applications
Please submit your quotation via the Sell2Wales portal / post box facility or email them directly to
Your quotation should include:
• A fully completed cost for each item of works.
• A timeline for the works to commence and complete.
• Confirmation that your work will meet the conditions and Informative Notices detailed in planning approval notice. ufm2_Full_Approval_Notice.pdf
• A testimonial or statement on your company’s suitability for the works required.
• Where applicable a company address, company number and VAT number.
Please use all the criteria above to demonstrate your suitability for this piece of work.
Submissions must be received by Monday 9th December 2024.
The Partnership includes representatives from:
- Social Farms & Gardens
- Our Food 1200
- Landworkers’ Alliance
- Ecological Land Cooperative
- Shared Assets
- Black Mountains College
- Gwlad Consortium
- Cultivate – North and South Powys Sustainable Food Places Partnerships
- Lantra
- Powys County Council
- Eco Dyfi – Pathways to Farming
- Nature Friendly Farming Network
Contact for further information:
Meggie Rogers, Communications Lead, Social Farms & Gardens:
This pilot project has received funding from Welsh Governments Assets Collaboration Fund under which the Grant was awarded.