Description of the contract
Framework call off via mini competition under WPA FS2 Fire Safety Framework Lot 1A to deliver the first 5 academic retrospective fire strategies. Fire Consultancy Services for retrospective fire strategy of five teaching/ research commercial buildings to ensure compliance with Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 & BS 9999
Undertake site surveys to ascertain the adequacy of the existing general fire protective and preventative measures.
Prepare a draft retrospective fire strategy report and fire strategy drawings for review and comment (to include but not limited to):
Building Layout and Usage Analysis including Occupancy details
Specify protected/ escape routes
Means of escape for disabled persons
Specify active fire protection systems
Specify passive fire protection systems
Access for fire services
Hazardous Areas
Prepare list of recommendations to mitigate the risk from fire including cost estimates.
Attend five meetings post draft report issue to clarify issues raised by the client following review of the draft report.
Provide final retrospective fire strategy report and fire strategy drawings.