Total quantity or scope of tender
Key Objectives
It is expected that this project will need to be completed across two stages and tender responses should evidence how the proposed market research would answer the questions outlined below. Insights gathered in stage 1 will be used to inform further development of USW’s proposition and messaging that would then be tested in stage 2.
Across both stages, the proposed approach must take account of the varied prospective students that USW attract across both Home and International markets as well as the various influencers (including teachers and advisers) that inform and impact these audiences. For Home students, this should include traditional school leavers, mature students, commuter and residential students, both local and national, in addition to those from a widening participation background. For International students, this should include representation from a variety of key markets/countries in terms of both prospective students and recruitment agents. The research should explore and identify any differences in approach across these markets.
Stage 1:
I. How do students want or expect to learn when applying for a full-time undergraduate course?
II. How significant a role does different modes of delivery play in decision making and how do prospective students assess this aspect when researching options?
III. How do prospective students and influencers (including teachers and influencers) feel about more flexible and varied modes of delivery for full-time courses? What are their key concerns? In answering this question, we are keen to understand potential concerns around accessing required technology (including issues around digital poverty), perceptions of likely study spaces/locations, along with any concerns around relationship building/networking and sense of belonging (although the research should not be limited to exploring these three areas).
IV. How do prospective students and influencers feel about USW’s proposed new delivery approach? What are the perceived concerns or benefits of such a proposed approach?
V. What terminology and types of flexible or alternative learning activities resonate and appeal to the target audience and their influencers? If the proposed approach is taken forward, how should USW promote and present this offer at different stage of the pre-enrolment journey?
VI. What impact, if any, would this proposed approach have on opinions of USW or a prospective student’s course of interest?
VII. Is there any awareness of other institutions offering similar approaches? How are these approaches perceived?
Stage 2:
I. How do prospective students and influencers view USW’s proposed new delivery approach (this will have been further refined from the findings of stage 1, including the development of marketing and recruitment outputs covering key channels and activities)?
II. Is the messaging and terminology clear, attractive and aspirational to the key target audiences and their influencers? If not, how should this be amended to address concerns or shortcomings?
III. Feedback regarding different audiences and stages of the pre-enrolment student journey are important as well as the various channels and activities that would be used to present our proposition.
In addition to the above, tender responses should address the following:
• While we would like responses to this tender to provide guidance on the recommended methodology based on their experience of this type of project, we envisage the research would include both qualitative and quantitative elements.
• The findings of this research will inform medium to long-term planning for the University and thus should be robust enough to relate to future years as much as possible, taking account of a changing competitive environment.
• This would be an extensive research project that would need access to a range of different prospective undergraduate students across a breadth of subject areas, plus their influencers, to ensure it leads to robust and reliable results and recommendations.
• Your costs should be itemised and include detail on sample sizes and methodologies for each of the cost options
• We require the research to be completed by the end of December 2024, therefore please outline your timeline for completion of the work with key milestones highlighted.