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Contract Notice

Natur am Byth! Môr: Seagrass Monitoring, Llŷn & Ynys Môn and Pembrokeshire

  • First published: 04 March 2025
  • Last modified: 04 March 2025
  • Record interest


  • This file may not be fully accessible.




Published by:
Marine Conservation Society
Authority ID:
Publication date:
04 March 2025
Deadline date:
31 March 2025
Notice type:
Contract Notice
Has documents:
Has SPD:
Has Carbon Reduction Plan:


This invitation to tender covers a contract to develop and implement a monitoring programme to determine the effectiveness of 12 Advanced Mooring Systems and (specified) extant moorings as part of seagrass management Working with the Llŷn & Môn Regional Coordinator, the contractor will develop and implement a monitoring programme to demonstrate the effectiveness of NaB! Môr restorative interventions and seagrass recovery. The contractor will trial and evaluate how elements of seagrass monitoring can be delivered by different user groups and volunteers. The contractor will ensure that multi-year monitoring takes place at the AMS sites and additional specified project locations, including Dale, Pembrokeshire. (Please see Annex 1 for indicative location of the NaB Môr project areas.) This work will build upon previous work undertaken in the development phase of NaB! Môr (Please see Annex 2 Advanced Mooring Systems (AMS): investigation of suitable sites and techniques.) and by other initiatives and projects such as the ReMEDIES project on the south coast of England and previous work undertaken in Porthdinllaen. This will ensure consistency in terms of seagrass monitoring. Work Package 1: Monitoring the effectiveness of up to 12 AMS - Develop and implement a monitoring programme to determine the effectiveness of up to 12 AMS deployed as part of NaB! Môr - Please note that all AMS will be deployed across Anglesey and Pen Llŷn in spring 2025. Work Package 2: Trial and evaluate how elements of seagrass monitoring can be delivered by different user groups and volunteers Work Package 3: Monitor the health and extent of the seagrass beds at Porthdinllaen (Gwynedd) and Dale (Pembrokeshire) - Develop and implement a monitoring programme to assess the health and extent of seagrass beds at Porthdinllaen and Dale. - Please provide detailed costs per monitoring session at each location, along with your recommendations for the optimal number of monitoring sessions required to effectively evaluate the seagrass beds. Additional Deliverables: 1. Report to aid replication and best practice 2. Annual monitoring reports 3. Provision of raw data

Full notice text



1 Authority Details


Authority Name and Address

Marine Conservation Society

Finance, Overross House, Ross Park,




Nicola Saville

+44 1989566017


Address from which documentation may be obtained

Marine Conservation Society

Finance, Overross House, Ross Park,




Nicola Saville

+44 1989566017


Completed documents must be returned to:

Marine Conservation Society

Finance, Overross House, Ross Park,




Nicola Saville

+44 1989566017

2 Contract Details



Natur am Byth! Môr: Seagrass Monitoring, Llŷn & Ynys Môn and Pembrokeshire


Description of the goods or services required

This invitation to tender covers a contract to develop and implement a monitoring programme to determine the effectiveness of 12 Advanced Mooring Systems and (specified) extant moorings as part of seagrass management

Working with the Llŷn & Môn Regional Coordinator, the contractor will develop and implement a monitoring programme to demonstrate the effectiveness of NaB! Môr restorative interventions and seagrass recovery. The contractor will trial and evaluate how elements of seagrass monitoring can be delivered by different user groups and volunteers. The contractor will ensure that multi-year monitoring takes place at the AMS sites and additional specified project locations, including Dale, Pembrokeshire. (Please see Annex 1 for indicative location of the NaB Môr project areas.)

This work will build upon previous work undertaken in the development phase of NaB! Môr (Please see Annex 2 Advanced Mooring Systems (AMS): investigation of suitable sites and techniques.) and by other initiatives and projects such as the ReMEDIES project on the south coast of England and previous work undertaken in Porthdinllaen. This will ensure consistency in terms of seagrass monitoring.

Work Package 1: Monitoring the effectiveness of up to 12 AMS

- Develop and implement a monitoring programme to determine the effectiveness of up to 12 AMS deployed as part of NaB! Môr

- Please note that all AMS will be deployed across Anglesey and Pen Llŷn in spring 2025.

Work Package 2: Trial and evaluate how elements of seagrass monitoring can be delivered by different user groups and volunteers

Work Package 3: Monitor the health and extent of the seagrass beds at Porthdinllaen (Gwynedd) and Dale (Pembrokeshire)

- Develop and implement a monitoring programme to assess the health and extent of seagrass beds at Porthdinllaen and Dale.

- Please provide detailed costs per monitoring session at each location, along with your recommendations for the optimal number of monitoring sessions required to effectively evaluate the seagrass beds.

Additional Deliverables:

1. Report to aid replication and best practice

2. Annual monitoring reports

3. Provision of raw data

NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at

The buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Postbox facility. A user guide is available at

Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems.


Notice Coding and Classification

73210000 Research consultancy services
90713000 Environmental issues consultancy services
1011 Isle of Anglesey
1012 Gwynedd
1014 South West Wales (Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, Ceredigion)


Total quantity or scope of tender

Duration of contract April 2025-August 2027

This ITT splits activities into 3 separate work packages to facilitate the tendering process. Contractors should itemise their tender and provide a detailed timeline, and spending profile for each work package. Tenders should include:

• Total cost including day rate and number of days and VAT where applicable.

• A detailed methodology for undertaking the work with an explanation of ability to complete the project.

• Evidence of successful track record on projects of a similar nature and scale. Please include reference to monitoring and citizen science.

• Details of staff allocated to the project (including CVs and evidence of qualifications and or competencies required) together with their experience of carrying out similar projects. The contract manager/lead contact should be identified. If there are a number of people delivering the contract, please indicate who will be doing each task and the allocation of days for each member of the team, the cost of any evaluation software, and any out-of-pocket expenses such as travel.

• Details of quality standards for goods/products and a statement of biosecurity measures that you will undertake.

• Timescales including any specific milestones that must be met. e.g. in the form of a Gantt chart, for carrying out the contract and an estimated invoice schedule.

• Confirmation of professional indemnity and public liability insurance of all those who will be delivering the work.

3 Conditions for Participation


Minimum standards and qualification required

• Significant knowledge and experience of the biology, restoration and monitoring techniques for seagrass or other similar species.

• Experience of working and liaising with relevant marine stakeholders.

• Experience of working on similar projects.

• Experience of successfully working with stakeholders and partners to deliver projects.

• Understanding of Welsh Language (desirable).

Equality and diversity

Marine Conservation Society will always consider equality, diversity and inclusion when conducting procurement activities. Marine Conservation Society requires all its contractors to meet their duties under the Equality Act 2010 and may ask for evidence that they are aware of and operate in accordance with those requirements.

All contractors are encouraged to be aware of Marine Conservation Society’ Equality and Diversity Policy (Please see Annex 4.) when providing services to the public on behalf of Marine Conservation Society.

Health and Safety

The health, safety and wellbeing of Marine Conservation Society’ employees, suppliers/contractors, volunteers, and people who use its resources is of the utmost importance to Marine Conservation Society. Marine Conservation Society will ensure arrangements are in place so that everyone remains healthy, well and injury free.

Contractors may be excluded for proven non-compliance with relevant health and safety legislation, or for a poor track record on previous contracts involving health and safety requirements.

Data protection

Tenders are submitted on the condition that the contractor will only process personal data (as may be defined under any relevant data protection laws) that it gains access to in performance of this contract in accordance with Marine Conservation Society’ written instructions and will not use such personal data for any other purpose.

The contractor will undertake to process any personal data on Marine Conservation Society’ behalf in accordance with the relevant provisions of any relevant data protection laws and to ensure all consents required under such laws are obtained.


Disease and invasive non-native species can be spread by fish and other animals, people, vehicles and equipment. By using biosecurity measures, the risk of

spreading non-native species and/or disease can be reduced. The contractor shall

be aware of, and work in accordance with, standard good practice and specific

provisions described below:

• The contractor shall report any records of non-native species observed on site

• Specific biosecurity measures:

The two most common ways of disinfecting equipment are to either thoroughly dry

equipment, preferably in direct sunlight or using chemical disinfectants (generally

iodine-based solutions (iodophors) or Virkon® S Aquatic). The use of disinfectants is not likely to be necessary for this contract, but the circumstances at each site will be continually reviewed.

• The contractor shall provide evidence that a full biosecurity risk assessment, compliant with NRW requirements for this work has been completed.

4 Administrative Information


Type of Procedure

Single stage


Reference number attributed to the notice by the contracting authority



Time Limits

Time-limit for receipt of completed tenders
    31-03-2025  Time  16:00

Estimated award date


Language or languages in which tenders or requests to participate can be drawn up



Tender Submission Postbox

The buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Postbox facility. A user guide is available at

5 Other Information


Additional Information

As part of their tender, contractors must provide (on a separate sheet) full contact details for the legal entity we would be contracting with including the name, registered address (and any alternative address for accounts etc), contact name and numbers, payment and banking details and email and website addresses. This sheet will be removed as part of the tender assessment process. Contractors should ensure that no identifying information is included anywhere else on the tender.

Final report – The final reports shall be presented as a digital copy in a single Microsoft Word file. All images, illustrations and maps will be embedded in the file and provided separately where they are large. The final project reports should be formatted per the attached template (Annex . Nature am Byth Evidence Report template).

• Biological records – Marine biological data shall be presented in an agreed format using approved data guidelines where available. A protocol must be submitted to Marine Conservation Society as part of the finalised project plan.

• Geo-spatial data – Geo-spatial data shall be presented in an agreed format using approved data guidelines where available. A protocol must be submitted to Marine Conservation Society as part of the finalised project plan.

• Metadata – Metadata in standard format must be submitted with the data. Metadata are information about the data, such as the subject matter; how and when the data were collected, etc.

(WA Ref:148700)

The buyer considers that this contract is suitable for consortia bidding.


Additional Documentation

NaB Môr External Contract Brief Seagrass Monitoring V4 (1)
Annex 2. Procurement Policy 2 March 2022
Annex 4. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 2021
Annex 1 Indicative locations of the NaB Môr project areas
Annex 3. Advanced Mooring systems investigation of suitable sites and techniques
Annex 5. Natur am Byth MCS Evidence Report - template (1)


Publication date of this notice



Commodity categories

ID Title Parent category
90713000 Environmental issues consultancy services Environmental management
73210000 Research consultancy services Research and development consultancy services

Delivery locations

ID Description
1012 Gwynedd
1011 Isle of Anglesey
1014 South West Wales (Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, Ceredigion)

Alert region restrictions

The buyer has restricted the alert for this notice to suppliers based in the following regions.

ID Description
There are no alert restrictions for this notice.

About the buyer

Main contact:
Admin contact:
Technical contact:
Other contact:

Further information

Date Details
No further information has been uploaded.


The awarding buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Tender Submission Postbox facility.

Submit your tender response electronically in a secure environment.

To create an electronic response please click the "Add to my interest list" button at the top of the page.

For more information on the Postbox Facility please refer to the user guide:


Ask the buyer any questions you may have relating to this notice. To ask the buyer a question or questions please click the "View Questions and Answers" button.

Additional Documents

The following additional documents have been attached to this notice. To obtain these documents please select the individual file names below.

Current documents

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Replaced documents

There are no previous versions of these documents.

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