Minimum standards and qualification required
• Experience of working on similar projects.
• Significant knowledge and experience of the biology, management and restoration techniques for seagrass or other similar species.
• Experience of working and liaising with relevant marine stakeholders.
• Experience of successfully working with stakeholders and partners to deliver projects.
• Understanding of Welsh Language (desirable).
Equality and diversity
Marine Conservation Society will always consider equality, diversity and inclusion when conducting procurement activities. Marine Conservation Society requires all its contractors to meet their duties under the Equality Act 2010 and may ask for evidence that they are aware of and operate in accordance with those requirements.
All contractors are encouraged to be aware of Marine Conservation Society’ Equality and Diversity Policy (Please see Annex 4.) when providing services to the public on behalf of Marine Conservation Society.
Health and Safety
The health, safety and wellbeing of Marine Conservation Society’ employees, suppliers/contractors, volunteers, and people who use its resources is of the utmost importance to Marine Conservation Society. Marine Conservation Society will ensure arrangements are in place so that everyone remains healthy, well and injury free.
Contractors may be excluded for proven non-compliance with relevant health and safety legislation, or for a poor track record on previous contracts involving health and safety requirements.
Data protection
Tenders are submitted on the condition that the contractor will only process personal data (as may be defined under any relevant data protection laws) that it gains access to in performance of this contract in accordance with Marine Conservation Society’ written instructions and will not use such personal data for any other purpose.
The contractor will undertake to process any personal data on Marine Conservation Society’ behalf in accordance with the relevant provisions of any relevant data protection laws and to ensure all consents required under such laws are obtained.
Disease and invasive non-native species can be spread by fish and other animals, people, vehicles and equipment. By using biosecurity measures, the risk of
spreading non-native species and/or disease can be reduced. The contractor shall
be aware of, and work in accordance with, standard good practice and specific
provisions described below:
• The contractor shall report any records of non-native species observed on site
• Specific biosecurity measures:
The two most common ways of disinfecting equipment are to either thoroughly dry
equipment, preferably in direct sunlight or using chemical disinfectants (generally
iodine-based solutions (iodophors) or Virkon® S Aquatic). The use of disinfectants is not likely to be necessary for this contract, but the circumstances at each site will be continually reviewed.
• The contractor shall provide evidence that a full biosecurity risk assessment, compliant with NRW requirements for this work has been completed.