Minimum standards and qualification required
Gwynedd Council, in support of Welsh Government’s Code of Practice on Ethical employment in supply chains, confirms that it has and/or commits to put the following processes in place :-
• An ethical employment statement to be displayed on the Council website
• Appointment of an Anti-slavery and Ethical Employment Champion at Cabinet level
• Whistle-blowing policy for staff to raise suspicions of unlawful and unethical employment practices taking place and a point of contact for the public to raise any such concerns in relation to the supply chain
• Training for those involved in buying/procurement or recruitment in modern slavery and ethical employment practices via Welsh Government’s e-module
• Incorporation of the Council’s Ethical employment statement within procurement documentation as well as inclusion of questions associated with the topic within tenders and conditions of contract where appropriate
• Payment of our suppliers on time (within 30 days)
• No unfair use of false self-employment, umbrella schemes or zero hours contracts which would result in avoidance of Tax/National Insurance or in any way unduly disadvantage its workers in terms of pay, rights, opportunities
• Staff to have access to a Trade Union without risk of any form of discrimination
• Any staff on outsourced contracts to retain their terms and conditions of employment
• An annual written statement outlining progress on principles within the code, including Modern Slavery, and plans for any future action to demonstrate the Council’s support of the Code of Practice
Further progress on any remaining commitments will be identified within the Council’s annual statement.
In order for the Code of Practice to have the utmost impact on ethical employment in supply chains, Gwynedd Council will expect that all its suppliers (and subsequent supply chains) make efforts to put in place similar processes so as to ensure that no individual is subject to any form of employment discrimination.