Description of the goods or services required
A study to explore options to grow and sustain the Bridgend Business Forum is required.
Tenderers will need to outline their proposal to carry out a feasibility study and outline the viability of future delivery options for the Bridgend Business Forum, adding value to the delivery of the SPF programme in Bridgend.
The successful organisation will need to demonstrate a track record of working with local businesses and developing a collaborative approach for economic growth and development across a defined geographic place.
A clear understanding of the economic landscape across Bridgend county borough and a history of collaborative delivery within Bridgend county borough would be advantageous, along with good knowledge of partner organisations that can benefit the businesses and entrepreneurs in Bridgend.
The successful organisation will be required to:
• Identify a suite of options for the sustainability and growth of the Forum, that will encourage and sustain local business growth, consider business sector links, encourage knowledge exchange and peer mentoring
• Explore how the Forum can best engage and support businesses across the Bridgend valleys (Llynfi, Garw and Ogmore) areas.
• Consider the needs of SMEs alongside those of larger businesses based in the borough
• Consider how the Forum can be structured to achieve better outcomes for businesses and for the Council
• Identify best practice delivery and funding models from the work that is taking place in other local authority areas
• Provide a steer on how the Forum can most effectively discuss and share new information, taking into account the current Business e-news format
• Explore the creation of a stronger procurement focus within the Forum.
• How might the Council best engage with the business sector around changes brought about by the Procurement Act and the Social Partnership and Public Procurement (Wales) Act. Pilot an engagement format using this topic that might inform how other knowledge exchange events might take place going forward.
• Provide an action plan for future engagement with any emerging future UKG or WG programmes
NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at