Description of the goods or services required
Wrexham County Borough Council are looking to commission a Lifestyle Coaching Service for adults over the age of 18 who have mental health challenges, and are seeking tender applications from organisations that are able to meet the required service outcomes as detailed below.
The Provider will maximise well-being and promote independence of people with mental health challenges delivering a range of support including:
• Information and advice and support
• Person centred Action Plan
• One-to-One support
• Group work
• Signposting on to alternative appropriate services
Referrals will be accepted through self-referral, primary or secondary care, or through practitioners from other third party organisations. The Provider must also be able to support, where appropriate, discharges from other mental health establishments.
The purpose of the service is to ensure citizens can be supported to realise their ambitions and goals and improve their physical, emotional and economic well-being through the delivery of professional lifestyle coaching. The Provider will also support citizens to access a range of activities that will improve their quality of life, and support people who are motivated to improve their circumstances, but who might lack the confidence to know how to do this.
The successful provider will be expected to work in partnership with local Social Services Teams, primary/secondary care, and signpost people on to appropriate communication support and wellbeing services as required, in a timely manner.
The outcomes of the services to be achieved are:
1. Work with adults with mental health challenges to enable them to secure their entitlements and understand their rights.
2. Support adults with mental health challenges to achieve positive social and economic well-being and promote positive physical, mental health and emotional well-being.
3. Enable and support citizens with mental health challenges to provide a positive contribution to society including access to education, training and recreation.
4. Support adults with mental health challenges to develop and maintain healthy domestic, family and personal relationships.
5. Support adults with mental health challenges signposting to appropriate advocacy services to support meetings/appointments.
6. Establish six monthly citizen engagement forums to obtain feedback from citizens on the services they are receiving, extending an invite to the Commissioning Officer from WCBC to understand on-going needs of the lifestyle coaching communities.
This is an outcomes-focused specification for adults with mental health challenges. As it focuses on outcomes, it leaves scope and flexibility for providers to organise service delivery in a range of ways to achieve the required outcomes. We welcome providers to bring their expertise to the table and outline how they will deliver on the outcomes set out within the specification. Innovation and creativity is encouraged.
The anticipated contract start date would be 1st April 2025. The service will be commissioned for three years with a provision to extend by a further 2 years in annual increments. The cost of the service will not exceed £49,500 and payment will be six monthly in advance throughout the lifetime of the contract. The Provider will provide lifestyle coaching for a minimum of 65 clients per year where up to 12 weeks of support per client is accessed, dependent upon individual need. Should there still be a waiting list at the inception of the new contract date, the provider will be expected to pick this up and continue to work through the waiting list within the contract provision.
TUPE may be applicable as there is an incumbent provider delivering the service at present.
NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at