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Contract Notice

Smart Living - Whole Systems Research and Innovation for Decarbonisation (WSRID) Programme

  • First published: 02 September 2024
  • Last modified: 02 September 2024



Published by:
Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government
Authority ID:
Publication date:
02 September 2024
Deadline date:
30 September 2024
Notice type:
Contract Notice
Has documents:
Has SPD:
Has Carbon Reduction Plan:


Byw’n Glyfar - Llywodraeth Cymru Rhaglen Ymchwil ac Arloesi Systemau Cyfan ar gyfer Datgarboneiddio (WSRID) CYSTADLEUAETH HER Gan adeiladu ar lwyddiannau a’r hyn a ddysgwyd o raglenni SBRI a Chontractau Arloesi Byw’n Glyfar yn y gorffennol, bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ceisio ceisiadau gan sefydliadau’r sector cyhoeddus cyn bo hir i gynnig heriau datgarboneiddio yn seiliedig ar le a fydd yn ffocws ar gyfer rhaglen ariannu newydd sef Ymchwil ac Arloesi Systemau Cyfan ar gyfer Datgarboneiddio 1.0 (WSRID 1.0). Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu dyfarnu hyd at 2 filiwn o bunnoedd posibl drwy WSRID ar draws dau gam yn ystod 2024-2026. Bydd WSRID yn canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu cyfres o brosiectau arloesi datgarboneiddio (Heriau) sy’n adeiladu ar y dystiolaeth yn y 22 Cynllun Ynni Ardal Leol (LAEPs) ac sydd hefyd yn cyd-fynd â’r blaenoriaethau rhanbarthol strategol a amlinellir yn y pedwar Cynllun Ynni Rhanbarthol (REPs) sy’n cwmpasu Cymru gyfan. Ym Mlwyddyn 1 (Cam 1 - Dichonoldeb), bydd cyllid o hyd at 500,000 o bunnoedd yn cael ei ddyfarnu i hyd at 5 Perchennog Her (hyd at 100,000 o bunnoedd yr un). Y sefydliadau sy’n gymwys i fod yn Berchnogion Her WSRID yw Awdurdodau Lleol Cymru, Bargeinion Dinesig a Chyrff Twf Rhanbarthol yng Nghymru a Byrddau ac Ymddiriedolaethau Rhaglen Iechyd GIG Cymru. Bydd Perchenog Her llwyddiannus wedyn yn gyfrifol am gynnal rhagor o gystadlaethau dilynol i ddod o hyd i gyflenwyr i gyflawni prosiectau dichonoldeb arloesol gan ddefnyddio mecanwaith ariannu Contractau Arloesi. Mae cyllid pellach o tua 1.5 – 2 filiwn o bunnoedd yn debygol o fod ar gael ym Mlwyddyn 2 ar gyfer ail gam Arddangos WSRID. Bydd ffenestr cystadleuaeth Her Cam 1 WSRID yn agor ar gyfer ceisiadau gan gyrff sector cyhoeddus am fis, ac yn agor ar 2 Medi 2024. Cynhelir Digwyddiad Briffio arlein bore ddydd Gwener 13 Medi ar gyfer cyrff cyhoeddus cymwys a darpar gyflenwyr cyflawni prosiectau i ddysgu rhagor am y rhaglen. Cynhelir y sesiynau hyn yng Ngogledd a De Cymru, gan roi cyfle i ofyn cwestiynau ac i rwydweithio. Mae gan WSRID Byw’n Glyfar ffocws yn seiliedig ar le, ac mae’n cynnig cyfle i gryfhau a chefnogi rôl arloesi mewn LAEPs. Mae’n cydweddu ag amcanion Ynni Cymru i ehangu ynni adnewyddadwy sy’n eiddo i bobl leol ac sy’n cael ei gynhyrchu a’i ddefnyddio yng Nghymru, a hefyd cyflymu’r broses o drosglwyddo i Systemau Ynni Lleol Clyfar (SLES) a’u rhoi ar waith. I ddysgu mwy am gynllun Byw’n Glyfar a rhaglenni SBRI/Contractau Arloesi eraill mae wedi’u cynnal ewch at Mae Gwasanaeth Ynni Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi ac yn gweinyddu gweithgareddau ymgysylltu rhaglen WSRID gyda rhanddeiliaid ar ran Byw’n Glyfar Llywodraeth Cymru. I ddysgu rhagor am WSRID a chofrestru ar gyfer y Digwyddiadau Briffio ym mis Medi cysylltwch â _____________ Welsh Government - Smart Living Whole Systems Research and Innovation for Decarbonisation (WSRID) Programme CHALLENGE COMPETITION Building on the successes and learnings from past Smart Living SBRI Contracts for Innovation programmes, the Welsh Government will shortly be seeking applications from public sector organisations to propose place-based, decarbonisation challenges that will be the focus for a new funding programme called the Whole System Research and Innovation for Decarbonisation 1.0 (WSRID 1.0). Welsh Government is looking to award up to a potential 2 million pounds through WSRID across two separate phases during 2024-2026. WSRID will focus on developing a pipeline of decarbonisation innovation projects (Challenges) that builds on the evidence in the 22 Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs) and also aligns to the strategic regional priorities outlined in the four Regional Energy Plans (REPs) that cover Wales. In Year 1 (Phase 1 - Feasibility), funding of up to 500,000 pounds will be awarded to up to 5 Challenge Owners (up to 100,000 pounds each). Organisations eligible to be WSRID Challenge Owners are Welsh Local Author

Full notice text



1 Authority Details


Authority Name and Address

Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government

Gwasanaethau Caffael Corfforaethol / Corporate Procurement Services, Parc Cathays / Cathays Park,

Caerdydd / Cardiff

CF10 3NQ


Smart Living

+44 3000257095


Address from which documentation may be obtained

Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government

Gwasanaethau Caffael Corfforaethol / Corporate Procurement Services, Parc Cathays / Cathays Park,

Caerdydd / Cardiff

CF10 3NQ


+44 3000257095


Completed documents must be returned to:

Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government

Gwasanaethau Caffael Corfforaethol / Corporate Procurement Services, Parc Cathays / Cathays Park,

Caerdydd / Cardiff

CF10 3NQ


+44 3000257095

2 Contract Details



Smart Living - Whole Systems Research and Innovation for Decarbonisation (WSRID) Programme


Description of the goods or services required

Byw’n Glyfar - Llywodraeth Cymru

Rhaglen Ymchwil ac Arloesi Systemau Cyfan ar gyfer Datgarboneiddio (WSRID)


Gan adeiladu ar lwyddiannau a’r hyn a ddysgwyd o raglenni SBRI a Chontractau Arloesi Byw’n Glyfar yn y gorffennol, bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn ceisio ceisiadau gan sefydliadau’r sector cyhoeddus cyn bo hir i gynnig heriau datgarboneiddio yn seiliedig ar le a fydd yn ffocws ar gyfer rhaglen ariannu newydd sef Ymchwil ac Arloesi Systemau Cyfan ar gyfer Datgarboneiddio 1.0 (WSRID 1.0). Mae Llywodraeth Cymru yn bwriadu dyfarnu hyd at 2 filiwn o bunnoedd posibl drwy WSRID ar draws dau gam yn ystod 2024-2026.

Bydd WSRID yn canolbwyntio ar ddatblygu cyfres o brosiectau arloesi datgarboneiddio (Heriau) sy’n adeiladu ar y dystiolaeth yn y 22 Cynllun Ynni Ardal Leol (LAEPs) ac sydd hefyd yn cyd-fynd â’r blaenoriaethau rhanbarthol strategol a amlinellir yn y pedwar Cynllun Ynni Rhanbarthol (REPs) sy’n cwmpasu Cymru gyfan.

Ym Mlwyddyn 1 (Cam 1 - Dichonoldeb), bydd cyllid o hyd at 500,000 o bunnoedd yn cael ei ddyfarnu i hyd at 5 Perchennog Her (hyd at 100,000 o bunnoedd yr un). Y sefydliadau sy’n gymwys i fod yn Berchnogion Her WSRID yw Awdurdodau Lleol Cymru, Bargeinion Dinesig a Chyrff Twf Rhanbarthol yng Nghymru a Byrddau ac Ymddiriedolaethau Rhaglen Iechyd GIG Cymru. Bydd Perchenog Her llwyddiannus wedyn yn gyfrifol am gynnal rhagor o gystadlaethau dilynol i ddod o hyd i gyflenwyr i gyflawni prosiectau dichonoldeb arloesol gan ddefnyddio mecanwaith ariannu Contractau Arloesi. Mae cyllid pellach o tua 1.5 – 2 filiwn o bunnoedd yn debygol o fod ar gael ym Mlwyddyn 2 ar gyfer ail gam Arddangos WSRID.

Bydd ffenestr cystadleuaeth Her Cam 1 WSRID yn agor ar gyfer ceisiadau gan gyrff sector cyhoeddus am fis, ac yn agor ar 2 Medi 2024. Cynhelir Digwyddiad Briffio arlein bore ddydd Gwener 13 Medi ar gyfer cyrff cyhoeddus cymwys a darpar gyflenwyr cyflawni prosiectau i ddysgu rhagor am y rhaglen. Cynhelir y sesiynau hyn yng Ngogledd a De Cymru, gan roi cyfle i ofyn cwestiynau ac i rwydweithio.

Mae gan WSRID Byw’n Glyfar ffocws yn seiliedig ar le, ac mae’n cynnig cyfle i gryfhau a chefnogi rôl arloesi mewn LAEPs. Mae’n cydweddu ag amcanion Ynni Cymru i ehangu ynni adnewyddadwy sy’n eiddo i bobl leol ac sy’n cael ei gynhyrchu a’i ddefnyddio yng Nghymru, a hefyd cyflymu’r broses o drosglwyddo i Systemau Ynni Lleol Clyfar (SLES) a’u rhoi ar waith. I ddysgu mwy am gynllun Byw’n Glyfar a rhaglenni SBRI/Contractau Arloesi eraill mae wedi’u cynnal ewch at

Mae Gwasanaeth Ynni Llywodraeth Cymru yn cefnogi ac yn gweinyddu gweithgareddau ymgysylltu rhaglen WSRID gyda rhanddeiliaid ar ran Byw’n Glyfar Llywodraeth Cymru.

I ddysgu rhagor am WSRID a chofrestru ar gyfer y Digwyddiadau Briffio ym mis Medi cysylltwch â


Welsh Government - Smart Living

Whole Systems Research and Innovation for Decarbonisation (WSRID) Programme


Building on the successes and learnings from past Smart Living SBRI Contracts for Innovation programmes, the Welsh Government will shortly be seeking applications from public sector organisations to propose place-based, decarbonisation challenges that will be the focus for a new funding programme called the Whole System Research and Innovation for Decarbonisation 1.0 (WSRID 1.0). Welsh Government is looking to award up to a potential 2 million pounds through WSRID across two separate phases during 2024-2026.

WSRID will focus on developing a pipeline of decarbonisation innovation projects (Challenges) that builds on the evidence in the 22 Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs) and also aligns to the strategic regional priorities outlined in the four Regional Energy Plans (REPs) that cover Wales.

In Year 1 (Phase 1 - Feasibility), funding of up to 500,000 pounds will be awarded to up to 5 Challenge Owners (up to 100,000 pounds each).

Organisations eligible to be WSRID Challenge Owners are Welsh Local Authorities, City Deals and Regional Growth Bodies in Wales and NHS Wales Health Programme Boards and Trusts. Successful Challenge Owners will then be responsible for running further subsequent competitions to source suppliers to deliver innovative feasibility projects using the Contracts for Innovation funding mechanism. Further funding in the region of 1.5 – 2 million pounds is likely to be available in Year 2 for the second Demonstrator phase of WSRID.

The WSRID Phase 1 Challenge competition window will open for bids from public sector bodies for one month, commencing 2 September 2024. A briefing event will be held online AM Friday 13 September for eligible public bodies and potential downstream project delivery suppliers to learn more about the programme. These sessions will be held in both North and South Wales, providing an opportunity to ask questions and to network.

Smart Living WSRID has a place-based focus, and offers an opportunity to strengthen and support the role of innovation in LAEPs. It complements Ynni Cymru’s objectives to expand locally-owned renewable energy used and generated in Wales and to accelerate the transition to and deployment of Smart Local Energy Systems (SLES). To learn more about the Smart Living scheme and other SBRI/Contracts for Innovation programmes it has run visit

The Welsh Government Energy Service is supporting and administering WSRID programme engagement activities with stakeholders on behalf of Welsh Government Smart Living.

To learn more about WSRID and register for the Briefing Events in September contact:

NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at


Notice Coding and Classification

73000000 Research and development services and related consultancy services
1000 WALES
1010 West Wales and The Valleys
1011 Isle of Anglesey
1012 Gwynedd
1013 Conwy and Denbighshire
1014 South West Wales (Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, Ceredigion)
1015 Central Valleys (Merthyr Tydfil, Rhondda Cynon Taf)
1016 Gwent Valleys (Torfaen, Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly)
1017 Bridgend and Neath Port Talbot
1018 Swansea
1020 East Wales
1021 Monmouthshire and Newport
1022 Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan
1023 Flintshire and Wrexham
1024 Powys


Total quantity or scope of tender

In Year 1 (Phase 1 - Feasibility), funding of up to 500,000 pounds will be awarded to up to 5 Challenge Owners (up to 100,000 pounds each).

Further funding in the region of 1.5 – 2 million pounds is likely to be available in Year 2 for the second Demonstrator phase of WSRID.

3 Conditions for Participation


Minimum standards and qualification required

Organisations eligible to be WSRID Challenge Owners are Welsh Local Authorities, City Deals and Regional Growth Bodies in Wales and NHS Wales Health Programme Boards and Trusts.

4 Administrative Information


Type of Procedure

Single stage


Reference number attributed to the notice by the contracting authority



Time Limits

Time-limit for receipt of completed tenders
    30-09-2024  Time  17:00

Estimated award date


Language or languages in which tenders or requests to participate can be drawn up



Tender Submission Postbox

5 Other Information


Additional Information

(WA Ref:144180)

The buyer considers that this contract is suitable for consortia bidding.


Additional Documentation

Smart Living - WSRID - Application Form
Byw'n Glyfar - WSRID - Ffurflen Gais
Smart Living - WSRID - Application Guidance
Byw'n Glyfar - WSRID - Canllawiau'r Gystadleuaeth


Publication date of this notice



Commodity categories

ID Title Parent category
73000000 Research and development services and related consultancy services Research and Development

Delivery locations

ID Description
1017 Bridgend and Neath Port Talbot
1022 Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan
1015 Central Valleys (Merthyr Tydfil, Rhondda Cynon Taf)
1013 Conwy and Denbighshire
1020 East Wales
1023 Flintshire and Wrexham
1016 Gwent Valleys (Torfaen, Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly)
1012 Gwynedd
1011 Isle of Anglesey
1021 Monmouthshire and Newport
1024 Powys
1014 South West Wales (Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, Ceredigion)
1018 Swansea
1000 WALES
1010 West Wales and The Valleys

Alert region restrictions

The buyer has restricted the alert for this notice to suppliers based in the following regions.

ID Description
There are no alert restrictions for this notice.

About the buyer

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