Section I: Contracting Authority
Name, Address and Contact Point(s)
NHS Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group |
2nd Floor Alderney Building, Mile End Hospital, Bancroft Road |
London |
E1 4DG |
UK |
Jacqueline Chambers |
+44 2036881630 | |
Type of contracting Authority and Main Activity or Activities
No |
Section II: Object of the Contract
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority
Mental Health Community Residential Rehabilitation Service.
Type of works contract
Type of supplies contract
Type of service contract25 Yes |
Main site or location of works, place of delivery or performance
This notice involves a framework agreement
Short description of the contract or purchase(s)
Health and social work services. Miscellaneous health services. Community health services. Residential health facilities services. Health services. An intensive mental health residential rehabilitation service for 11 to 13 men and women with severe and enduring mental illness, located in the community. The service will provide treatment, interventions, care and support to address and minimise the symptoms and functional impairment of long-term mental illness, and to promote recovery. The service should provide treatment, care and accommodation. It will be part of the local mental health rehabilitation pathway between inpatient care and high support accommodation — To commission Mental Health Community Residential Rehabilitation Services for vulnerable service users with previous history of high use of mental health services, as part of the whole system of mental health care in the Borough. — To engage such mental health service users at as early a point in their recovery as possible with skilled rehabilitation interventions. — To commission a facility which can support long-term outcomes by meeting the rehabilitation needs of Tower Hamlets residents who have a history of high use of inpatient or residential care or other intensive parts of the mental health system, and who require focused support in order to move on to high supported accommodation. — To commission community-based residential rehabilitation services with specialist clinical support which provides the high need rehabilitation component in a care pathway from long-term use of inpatient and residential care to independent living in the community. — To commission a service with 24 hour support which promotes activities of daily living on the principles of the recovery model. — To commission a service which is staffed and run in a manner which is sensitive to the diverse cultural needs of the population of Tower Hamlets.This procurement is for Part B services for the purposes of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (as amended) (Regulations). Accordingly, the Contracting Authority are only bound by those parts of the Regulations detailed in Regulations 5(2). The Contracting Authoirty are not voluntarily following any other part of the Regulations. the procedure that the contracting Authority is following is as set out in the MOI and PQQ. As the CCG is a relevant body for the purposed of the National health Service (Procurement Patient Choice and competition) (No. 2) Regulations 2013 (SI 2013 No. 500) these Regulations also apply to this procurement.
Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV)
85000000 |
Contract covered by the government procurement agreement (GPA) No |
Total final value of the contract(s)
Total final value of the contract(s)
2 891 740
Section IV: Procedure
Type of procedure
Type of procedure |
Award criteria
Award criteria

Financial and Commercial |
30 |
Service Delivery |
25 |
Quality, Performance and Outcomes |
10 |
Mobilisation |
5 |
Sustainability and Deliverability |
10 |
Safeguarding |
5 |
Community Benefits and Added Value |
5 |
Presentation and Interview |
10 |
An electronic auction has been used No
Administrative information
File reference number attributed by the contracting authority
Previous publication(s) concerning the same contract
Other previous publications
Section V: Award of contract
Date of contract award: 17-3-2015 |
Numbers of offers received:1 |
Name and address of economic operator to whom the contract has been awarded
Look Ahead Care and Support |
Kings Buildings, 16, Smiths Square |
London |
SW1P 3HQ |
UK | |
| |
Information on value of contract
1 730 000 GBP
2 685 205 GBP
3 |
The contract is likely to be subcontracted No
Short description of the value/proportion of the contract to be subcontracted
Section VI: Complementary Information
Contract related to a project and/or programme financed by community funds? No
Additional Information
The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement, and the contract will be awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender. The service will provide an intensive residential service providing care, support, mental health rehabilitation and accommodation for 11-13 men and women who have severe and enduring mental illness (typically schizophrenia), as part of Tower Hamlets local rehabilitation pathway between acute or forensic hospital inpatient and residential services, on the one hand, and high support accommodation, on the other. The service will be provided in suitable premises located in London Borough of Tower Hamlets. A mental health rehabilitation service provides treatment, interventions and support to address and minimise the symptoms and functional impairment of people with complex mental health needs. It adopts a recovery approach that values service users as partners in a collaborative relationship with staff to identify and work towards personalised goals, with the long term aim of achieving individual autonomy and independence. — To commission Mental Health Community Residential Rehabilitation Services for vulnerable service users with previous history of high use of mental health services, as part of the whole system of mental health care in the Borough. — To engage such mental health service users at as early a point in their recovery as possible with skilled rehabilitation interventions. — To commission a facility which can support long-term outcomes by meeting the rehabilitation needs of Tower Hamlets residents who have a history of high use of inpatient or residential care or other intensive parts of the mental health system, and who require focused support in order to move on to high supported accommodation. — To commission community-based residential rehabilitation services with specialist clinical support which provides the high need rehabilitation component in a care pathway from long-term use of inpatient and residential care to independent living in the community. — To commission a service with 24 hour support which promotes activities of daily living on the principles of the recovery model. — To commission a service which is staffed and run in a manner which is sensitive to the diverse cultural needs of the population of Tower Hamlets.
To view this notice, please click here:
GO Reference: GO-201542-PRO-6491736.
Procedures for appeal
Body responsible for appeal procedures
Monitor House |
133-155 Waterloo Road |
London |
SE1 8UG |
UK |
| |
Body responsible for mediation procedures
Monitor House |
133-155 Waterloo Road, Waterloo Road |
London |
SE1 8UG |
UK |
| |
Lodging of appeals
Not provided.
Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained
Monitor |
House 133-155, Waterloo Road |
London |
SE1 8UG |
UK |
| |
Dispatch date of this Notice 02-04-2015 |