II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code:
II.2.4) Description of the procurement
Knowsley Council will procure via the Provider Selection Regime Regulations 2023 through the most suitable provider process for local authority drug and alcohol health care services.
The service will be based on the following principles and values:
• There will be a single point of access for all referrals.
• There will be access to treatment and recovery support during evenings and on a minimum of six days per week.
• It is easily accessible to potential service users, their families, carers and the community.
• It can flexibly respond to an individual’s needs and circumstances, including those beyond that of their substance misuse, enabling them to leave services in a planned way at the earliest opportunity.
• The service will provide treatment and support interventions that enable customers to achieve successful completion of treatment and sustainable recovery from drug and/or alcohol use disorders.
• The provider will have experience of working in Knowsley and supporting complex cohorts while using trauma informed practice.
• The provider will have experience of providing innovative service delivery across Knowsley that delivers outcomes to generate positive impact across service users, families, stakeholders and communities.
• The service will have recovery as its core outcome and recognise the role that trauma exposure can have on individuals; these key principles will be embedded throughout the whole service user journey from assessment to completion of treatment.
• It can respond positively to the cultural, religious, ethnic, language, gender, sexual, disability and age-related needs of an individual.
• It ensures that individuals are motivated and supported to have greater control over their lives, maximising their health, wellbeing and participation in the rights, roles and responsibilities of society.
• It is inclusive of the opinions of people using the service.
• It is committed to developing and supporting peer recovery support services.
• It is committed to developing and supporting peer recovery support services and a self-sustaining LERO.
• It has close collaboration and co-ordination with partners, aligning activities and outcomes around mental health, the criminal justice system, housing and employment.
• Maintains an effective community-based health treatment pathway from custody to the community, maintaining effective access to treatment at any point during their journey in the criminal justice system.
• Responds to changing landscapes around attitudes and drug use nationally and locally.
• Support LDIS networks and provide harm reduction approaches across communities.
• Works with other services to address emerging issues.
• Positively promotes a reduction in stigma to accessing the recovery service and reaches out to those in the community who have not accessed support.
• Seeks to make support increasingly accessible including the exploration of digital support using new and emerging technologies to maintain contact with service users both between appointments and at times when service users are unable to physically attend.
Refer to the service specification for further Information.