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Contract Notice

DETI — Review of the support mechanisms provided by the Northern Ireland Executive to support delive

  • First published: 21 August 2015
  • Last modified: 21 August 2015
  • This file may not be fully accessible.


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Published by:
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
Authority ID:
Publication date:
21 August 2015
Deadline date:
21 September 2015
Notice type:
Contract Notice
Has documents:
Has SPD:
Has Carbon Reduction Plan:


The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI), on behalf of the Executive Sub Committee on the Economy wishes to appoint a Contractor to review the effectiveness of the NI Executive approach to support delivery of its target to drawdown 145 000 000 EUR Horizon 2020. Central to this will be an assessment of the existing support mechanisms which have been put in place to support NI participants engaging successfully in Horizon 2020. Horizon 2020 is the European Union's Framework for Research and Innovation. It is the world's largest competitive research and innovation programme with a budget of nearly 80 000 000 000 000 EUR. Running from 2014 to 2020, it funds all stages of research and innovation, from blue skies research through to near market activity. Programmes such as Horizon 2020 have an important role to play in helping transform Northern Ireland's economy into one that is knowledge based and export orientated and in so doing raise the profile of Northern Ireland research and innovation capabilities. More information on Horizon 2020 and the support available to NI applicants can be found at In September 2014 the Northern Ireland Executive set a target of securing 145 000 000 EUR from Horizon 2020. This target represented a 65 % increase in Northern Ireland performance under FP7 — the predecessor to Horizon 2020. In setting the target the Executive recognised that success will require a substantial increase in both the number and the quality of the applications submitted under Horizon 2020 than were submitted in FP7. (NI secured 89 000 000 EUR from FP7 — more details on NI past and current performance can be found at The successful Contractor will have full access to NI data on Horizon 2020. The overall aim of the Review is to ensure that the Northern Ireland Executive's Horizon 2020 policies, programmes and resources are appropriately targeted to help achieve the target of 145 000 000 EUR. The review will determine if the existing support mechanisms and actions being taken across the Executive are sufficient to deliver the Executive's target, and make recommendations for improving performance moving forward. The review will inform future decisions on the allocation of both financial and non financial support provided by the NI Executive Departments and arms length bodies to potential Horizon 2020 applicants. This is particularly relevant as funding for the current primary source of support to potential applicants, i.e. The Northern Ireland Horizon 2020 Contact Point Network is due to end in August 2016. The Review will examine the impact of this network and assess the extent to which the focus of the NI Executive's efforts should be on either promotional and awareness raising activity aimed at widening participation or whether instead resources should be concentrated on a number of smaller number of discreet areas that have the potential to deliver larger and more successful Horizon 2020 projects. This tender is below the OJEU threshold but is being advertised in the OJEU to attract interest (The Public Contract Regulations 2015 will not apply and this is a voluntary notice).

Full notice text


Section I: Contracting Authority


Name, Address and Contact Point(s)

The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment

Netherleigh, Massey Avenue



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Type of contracting Authority and Main Activity or Activities

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Section II: Object of the Contract




Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority

DETI — Review of the support mechanisms provided by the Northern Ireland Executive to support delivery of the Executive's target of participants winning 145 000 000 EUR from Horizon 2020.


Type of works contract


Type of supplies contract


Type of service contract



Main site or location of works, place of delivery or performance



This notice involves

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Information on framework agreement (if applicable)

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Number of participants to the framework agreement envisaged

Duration of the framework agreement

Justification for a framework agreement the duration of which exceeds four years

Estimated total value of purchases for the entire duration of the framework agreement

Frequency and value of the contracts to be awarded


Short description of the contract or purchase(s)

The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment (DETI), on behalf of the Executive Sub Committee on the Economy wishes to appoint a Contractor to review the effectiveness of the NI Executive approach to support delivery of its target to drawdown 145 000 000 EUR Horizon 2020. Central to this will be an assessment of the existing support mechanisms which have been put in place to support NI participants engaging successfully in Horizon 2020. Horizon 2020 is the European Union's Framework for Research and Innovation. It is the world's largest competitive research and innovation programme with a budget of nearly 80 000 000 000 000 EUR. Running from 2014 to 2020, it funds all stages of research and innovation, from blue skies research through to near market activity. Programmes such as Horizon 2020 have an important role to play in helping transform Northern Ireland's economy into one that is knowledge based and export orientated and in so doing raise the profile of Northern Ireland research and innovation capabilities. More information on Horizon 2020 and the support available to NI applicants can be found at In September 2014 the Northern Ireland Executive set a target of securing 145 000 000 EUR from Horizon 2020. This target represented a 65 % increase in Northern Ireland performance under FP7 — the predecessor to Horizon 2020. In setting the target the Executive recognised that success will require a substantial increase in both the number and the quality of the applications submitted under Horizon 2020 than were submitted in FP7. (NI secured 89 000 000 EUR from FP7 — more details on NI past and current performance can be found at The successful Contractor will have full access to NI data on Horizon 2020. The overall aim of the Review is to ensure that the Northern Ireland Executive's Horizon 2020 policies, programmes and resources are appropriately targeted to help achieve the target of 145 000 000 EUR. The review will determine if the existing support mechanisms and actions being taken across the Executive are sufficient to deliver the Executive's target, and make recommendations for improving performance moving forward. The review will inform future decisions on the allocation of both financial and non financial support provided by the NI Executive Departments and arms length bodies to potential Horizon 2020 applicants. This is particularly relevant as funding for the current primary source of support to potential applicants, i.e. The Northern Ireland Horizon 2020 Contact Point Network is due to end in August 2016. The Review will examine the impact of this network and assess the extent to which the focus of the NI Executive's efforts should be on either promotional and awareness raising activity aimed at widening participation or whether instead resources should be concentrated on a number of smaller number of discreet areas that have the potential to deliver larger and more successful Horizon 2020 projects. This tender is below the OJEU threshold but is being advertised in the OJEU to attract interest (The Public Contract Regulations 2015 will not apply and this is a voluntary notice).


Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV)



Contract covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

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Division into lots



Will variants be accepted



Quantity or Scope of the Contract


Total quantity or scope

The overall aim of the Review is to ensure that the Northern Ireland Executive's Horizon 2020 policies, programmes and resources are appropriately targeted to help achieve the target of 145 000 000 EUR. The review will determine if the existing support mechanisms and actions being taken across the Executive are sufficient to deliver the Executive's target, and make recommendations for improving performance moving forward.

The review will inform future decisions on the allocation of both financial and non financial support provided by the NI Executive Departments and arms length bodies to potential Horizon 2020 applicants. This is particularly relevant as funding for the current primary source of support to potential applicants, i.e. The Northern Ireland Horizon 2020 Contact Point Network is due to end in August 2016.

The Review will examine the impact of this network and assess the extent to which the focus of the NI Executive's efforts should be on either promotional and awareness raising activity aimed at widening participation or whether instead resources should be concentrated on a number of smaller number of discreet areas that have the potential to deliver larger and more successful Horizon 2020 projects.

80 000



Provisional timetable for recourse to these options

Number of possible renewals

In the case of renewable supplies or service contracts, estimated time frame for subsequent contracts


Duration of the contract or limit for completion


Section III: Legal, Economic, Financial and Technical Information


Conditions Relating to the Contract


Deposits and guarantees required


Main Terms of financing and payment and/or reference to the relevant provisions


Legal form to be taken by the grouping of suppliers, contractors or service providers to whom the contract is to be awarded

As outlined in the tender documents.


Other particular conditions to which the performance of the contract is subject


Conditions for Participation


Personal situation of economic operators, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers

As outlined in the tender documents.


Economic and financial capacity

As outlined in the tender documents.


Technical capacity

As outlined in the tender documents.


Reserved contracts

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Conditions Specific to Service Contracts


Is provision of the service reserved to a specific profession?



Will legal entities be required to state the names and professional qualifications of the personnel responsible for the execution of the service?


Section IV: Procedure


Type of Procedure

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Justification for the choice of accelerated procedure


Have candidates already been selected?



Limitations on the number of operators who will be invited to tender or to participate

Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates


Reduction of the number of operators during the negotiation or dialogue

Unchecked box


Award Criteria





An electronic auction will be used


IV.3 Administrative Information


Reference number attributed to the notice by the contracting authority



Previous publication(s) concerning the same contract

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Other previous publications


Conditions for obtaining specifications and additional documents



Time-limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate

 21-09-2015  15:00


Date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates


Language or languages in which tenders or requests to participate can be drawn up

Checked box    


Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender 


Conditions for opening tenders


Section VI: Other Information


Indicate whether this procurement is a recurrent one and the Estimated timing for further notices to be published


Does the contract relate to a Project/Programme financed by Community Funds?



Additional Information

This tender is below the OJEU threshold but is being advertised in the OJEU to attract interest (The Public Contract Regulations 2015 will not apply and this is a voluntary notice).


Procedures for appeal


Body responsible for appeal procedures

Body responsible for mediation procedures


Lodging of appeals


Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained


Dispatch date of this Notice



Commodity categories

ID Title Parent category
79400000 Business and management consultancy and related services Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
79410000 Business and management consultancy services Business and management consultancy and related services
79411000 General management consultancy services Business and management consultancy services

Delivery locations

ID Description
100 UK - All

Alert region restrictions

The buyer has restricted the alert for this notice to suppliers based in the following regions.

ID Description
There are no alert restrictions for this notice.

About the buyer

Main contact:
Admin contact:
Technical contact:
Other contact:

Further information

Date Details
No further information has been uploaded.

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