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Speculative Notice

DPS - Domiciliary Care Services

  • First published: 25 August 2017
  • Last modified: 25 August 2017
  • Record interest


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To record your interest or obtain additional information or documents please find instructions within the Full Notice Text. (NOTE: Contract Award Notices and Prior Information Notices do not normally require a response)



Published by:
Powys County Council
Authority ID:
Publication date:
25 August 2017
Deadline date:
Notice type:
Speculative Notice
Has documents:
Has SPD:
Has Carbon Reduction Plan:


The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 will change the way local authority social services and other care services work together in partnership to help and support people. Powys County Council is entering a new chapter in the history of social services and care, the biggest change in a generation. In response to this, the Council has considered a range of options for the future commissioning of the domiciliary care service for older people and vulnerable adults. The Council’s preferred choice is to develop an approved provider list in the form of a Dynamic Purchasing System to meet the needs of local residents, and future demand. This is an exciting opportunity for the Council and its providers. We would therefore like to openly invite all providers, potential providers and any organisation who wishes to support us in exploring and understanding this preferred option, to participate and contribute in an engagement event to share their valued knowledge, opinions and views in shaping the future commissioning of the domiciliary care service in Powys. Providers, potential providers and interested parties are invited to attend an event on the 28th September 2017, from 10am until 1pm at the International Pavilion, Royal Welsh Showground, Llanelwedd, Builth Wells, LD2 3SY. To register your interest in attending the event, please email: or tel. 01597 826803. Please could you also state if you wish to contribute in Welsh. Bydd Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014 yn newid y ffordd y bydd gwasanaethau cymdeithasol awdurdodau lleol a gwasanaethau gofal eraill yn cydweithio mewn partneriaeth i helpu a chefnogi pobl. Mae Cyngor Sir Powys ar drothwy pennod newydd yn hanes gwasanaethau cymdeithasol a gofal, y newid mwyaf mewn cenhedlaeth. O ganlyniad i hyn, mae’r Cyngor wedi trin a thrafod amryw o opsiynau ar gomisiynu gwasanaethau gofal yn y cartref yn y dyfodol i bobl hyn ac oedolion sy’n agored i niwed. Y dewis a ffefrir gan y Cyngor yw datblygu rhestr o ddarparwyr cymeradwy ar ffurf System Brynu Ddynamig a fydd yn ateb anghenion trigolion lleol, a’r galw yn y dyfodol. Dyma gyfle cyffrous i’r Cyngor a’i ddarparwyr. Rydym felly’n gwahodd unrhyw ddarparwyr, darparwyr posibl ac unrhyw sefydliad sydd am ein cefnogi ni wrth i ni ystyried a deall y dewis hwn, i gymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad arbennig er mwyn rhannu gwybodaeth, barn a sylwadau ar fynd ati i gomisiynu gwasanaeth gofal yn y cartref ym Mhowys. Rydym am wahodd darparwyr, darparwyr posibl ac unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb i ddigwyddiad arbennig ar 28 Medi 2017, rhwng 10 am a 1 pm yn y Pafiliwn Rhyngwladol, Maes y Sioe Fawr, Llanelwedd, LD2 3SY. I gofrestru diddordeb, anfonwch e-bost at neu ffoniwch 01597 826803. A wnewch hefyd ddatgan os ydych am gyfrannu’n Gymraeg.

Full notice text

Speculative Notice – NATIONAL


1 Authority Details


Authority Name and Address

Powys County Council

Policy and Care Services, County Hall,

Llandrindod Wells



Shaun Morris

+44 01597826000


Address from which further information may be obtained

Powys County Council

County Hall,

Llandrindod Wells



+44 01597826000

2 Contract Details



DPS - Domiciliary Care Services


Description of the goods or services required

The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 will change the way local authority social services and other care services work together in partnership to help and support people. Powys County Council is entering a new chapter in the history of social services and care, the biggest change in a generation.

In response to this, the Council has considered a range of options for the future commissioning of the domiciliary care service for older people and vulnerable adults. The Council’s preferred choice is to develop an approved provider list in the form of a Dynamic Purchasing System to meet the needs of local residents, and future demand.

This is an exciting opportunity for the Council and its providers. We would therefore like to openly invite all providers, potential providers and any organisation who wishes to support us in exploring and understanding this preferred option, to participate and contribute in an engagement event to share their valued knowledge, opinions and views in shaping the future commissioning of the domiciliary care service in Powys.

Providers, potential providers and interested parties are invited to attend an event on the 28th September 2017, from 10am until 1pm at the International Pavilion, Royal Welsh Showground, Llanelwedd, Builth Wells, LD2 3SY. To register your interest in attending the event, please email: or tel. 01597 826803. Please could you also state if you wish to contribute in Welsh.

Bydd Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014 yn newid y ffordd y bydd gwasanaethau cymdeithasol awdurdodau lleol a gwasanaethau gofal eraill yn cydweithio mewn partneriaeth i helpu a chefnogi pobl. Mae Cyngor Sir Powys ar drothwy pennod newydd yn hanes gwasanaethau cymdeithasol a gofal, y newid mwyaf mewn cenhedlaeth.

O ganlyniad i hyn, mae’r Cyngor wedi trin a thrafod amryw o opsiynau ar gomisiynu gwasanaethau gofal yn y cartref yn y dyfodol i bobl hyn ac oedolion sy’n agored i niwed. Y dewis a ffefrir gan y Cyngor yw datblygu rhestr o ddarparwyr cymeradwy ar ffurf System Brynu Ddynamig a fydd yn ateb anghenion trigolion lleol, a’r galw yn y dyfodol.

Dyma gyfle cyffrous i’r Cyngor a’i ddarparwyr. Rydym felly’n gwahodd unrhyw ddarparwyr, darparwyr posibl ac unrhyw sefydliad sydd am ein cefnogi ni wrth i ni ystyried a deall y dewis hwn, i gymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad arbennig er mwyn rhannu gwybodaeth, barn a sylwadau ar fynd ati i gomisiynu gwasanaeth gofal yn y cartref ym Mhowys.

Rydym am wahodd darparwyr, darparwyr posibl ac unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb i ddigwyddiad arbennig ar 28 Medi 2017, rhwng 10 am a 1 pm yn y Pafiliwn Rhyngwladol, Maes y Sioe Fawr, Llanelwedd, LD2 3SY. I gofrestru diddordeb, anfonwch e-bost at neu ffoniwch 01597 826803. A wnewch hefyd ddatgan os ydych am gyfrannu’n Gymraeg.


Notice Coding and Classification

85000000 Health and social work services
85320000 Social services
98000000 Other community, social and personal services
1024 Powys

3 Administrative Information


Reference number attributed to the notice by the contracting authority



Estimated Start of the Award Procedure


4 Other Information


Additional Information

The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 will change the way local authority social services and other care services work together in partnership to help and support people. Powys County Council is entering a new chapter in the history of social services and care, the biggest change in a generation.

In response to this, the Council has considered a range of options for the future commissioning of the domiciliary care service for older people and vulnerable adults. The Council’s preferred choice is to develop an approved provider list in the form of a Dynamic Purchasing System to meet the needs of local residents, and future demand.

This is an exciting opportunity for the Council and its providers. We would therefore like to openly invite all providers, potential providers and any organisation who wishes to support us in exploring and understanding this preferred option, to participate and contribute in an engagement event to share their valued knowledge, opinions and views in shaping the future commissioning of the domiciliary care service in Powys.

Providers, potential providers and interested parties are invited to attend an event on the 28th September 2017, from 10am until 1pm at the International Pavilion, Royal Welsh Showground, Llanelwedd, Builth Wells, LD2 3SY. To register your interest in attending the event, please email: or tel. 01597 826803. Please could you also state if you wish to contribute in Welsh.

Bydd Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014 yn newid y ffordd y bydd gwasanaethau cymdeithasol awdurdodau lleol a gwasanaethau gofal eraill yn cydweithio mewn partneriaeth i helpu a chefnogi pobl. Mae Cyngor Sir Powys ar drothwy pennod newydd yn hanes gwasanaethau cymdeithasol a gofal, y newid mwyaf mewn cenhedlaeth.

O ganlyniad i hyn, mae’r Cyngor wedi trin a thrafod amryw o opsiynau ar gomisiynu gwasanaethau gofal yn y cartref yn y dyfodol i bobl hyn ac oedolion sy’n agored i niwed. Y dewis a ffefrir gan y Cyngor yw datblygu rhestr o ddarparwyr cymeradwy ar ffurf System Brynu Ddynamig a fydd yn ateb anghenion trigolion lleol, a’r galw yn y dyfodol.

Dyma gyfle cyffrous i’r Cyngor a’i ddarparwyr. Rydym felly’n gwahodd unrhyw ddarparwyr, darparwyr posibl ac unrhyw sefydliad sydd am ein cefnogi ni wrth i ni ystyried a deall y dewis hwn, i gymryd rhan mewn digwyddiad arbennig er mwyn rhannu gwybodaeth, barn a sylwadau ar fynd ati i gomisiynu gwasanaeth gofal yn y cartref ym Mhowys.

Rydym am wahodd darparwyr, darparwyr posibl ac unrhyw un sydd â diddordeb i ddigwyddiad arbennig ar 28 Medi 2017, rhwng 10 am a 1 pm yn y Pafiliwn Rhyngwladol, Maes y Sioe Fawr, Llanelwedd, LD2 3SY. I gofrestru diddordeb, anfonwch e-bost at neu ffoniwch 01597 826803. A wnewch hefyd ddatgan os ydych am gyfrannu’n Gymraeg.

(WA Ref:70333)


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Publication date of this notice



Commodity categories

ID Title Parent category
85000000 Health and social work services Other Services
98000000 Other community, social and personal services Other Services
85320000 Social services Social work and related services

Delivery locations

ID Description
1024 Powys

Alert region restrictions

The buyer has restricted the alert for this notice to suppliers based in the following regions.

ID Description
There are no alert restrictions for this notice.

About the buyer

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Further information

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0800 222 9004

Lines are open 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.

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