Description of the goods or services required
The purpose of this contract is to deliver stage one of the Marine Litter Action Plan which includes the four actions described as;
1. Undertake a review with all Local Authorities in Wales of effective practice in reducing litter highlighting riverine pathways and specifically with coastal authorities on managing marine litter with support of WLGA (Welsh Local Government Association).
2. Undertake a review of practice and build connections with marine litter action groups across UK, EU and globally and specific initiatives (such as the Global Ghost Gear initiative).
3. Build links with relevant Higher Education research projects – involve Higher Education institutions in Wales and build partnerships with other leading research centres e.g. Plymouth University.
4. Review the evidence base to establish agreed communication messages around sources, spread and impact in Wales to provide a coordinated message.
There is scope for a further stage two to be undertaken as part of the contract, subject to the successful completion and evaluation of stage one.
Stage two will include but is not limited to the following actions;
1. Focus on education work to give a higher priority on impacts of marine litter education programmes in schools.
2. Build specific programmes with tourism businesses and coastal attractions as key partners with a strong business interest working with Visit Wales.
We anticipate the successful bidder to provide suggestions for further actions to be undertaken for stage two and that these will be affected by the outcomes of stage one.
NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at