Description of the goods or services required
The Royal Commission is seeking a creative developer to deliver a new digital platform for curating and disseminating the National Monuments Record for Wales (NMRW). It will be based on open-source and middleware solutions and hosted in a cloud-based environment.
The system will provide a means of managing and extracting data from the Royal Commission’s databases and archive media, and deliver it to a web-based publicly accessible front end.
The contractor will meet the requirements expressed in our user stories by:
• Establishing an underlying data management layer using the ARCHES and AtoM open-source solutions, and the iBase digital asset management platform.
• Formatting data extracted in CSV format from the existing system to comply with the requirements of the data management layer.
• Ingesting data into the data management layer.
• Developing a middleware solution to dynamically extract data from the underlying data management layer.
• Developing a public web front-end driven by data from the middleware solution.
We are looking for a creative contractor who will work with our internal team throughout the project to transfer knowledge between staff at the Royal Commission and the contractor.
Further details are in the specification attachment.
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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