Total quantity or scope of tender
Responsibilities and services required include:
- The Design Team Lead will be responsible for holding / chairing regular Design Team meetings, which will be recorded appropriately with minutes of meetings being distributed to the design team and others as appropriate.
- Act as Principal Designer under the terms of the CDM regulations.
- Prepare and monitor compliance with the Health and Safety Plan
- Produce design information against the programme, and if delayed use reasonable endeavours to expedite the production of the information.
- Provide suitable value engineering / re-scoping options as part of a coordinated value engineering exercise as required to mitigate against any uplift in projected construction and management costs.
- Provide rationale and justification for design team changes where appropriate to support the change control process employed on the project.
- Prepare/issue coordinated End RIBA Stage Design Reports and present to the Client
- Prepare applications for statutory approvals
- Provide material to support publicity for the project
- Keep full and accurate records of all key meetings and negotiations attended or conducted and make the same available to the Society’s representatives.
- Co-ordinate and submitting a monthly progress report, input into the overall project programme, cost reports and risk register.
- Agree reporting procedures and meeting schedules