II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code:
II.2.4) Description of the procurement
The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to seek feedback from the market. This is not a call for competition. The Council will not be liable for any costs incurred by those participating in this market engagement.
At this stage, the strategy for the procurement of the Multi-Storey Repairs project is still being developed and the Contracting Authority is seeking to engage with the market to take views on the optimum procurement route that will be adopted to deliver this programme.
Renfrewshire Council has fourteen multi storey blocks across Renfrewshire. Over the next few years, the Council is required to commission repairs schemes at all or most of these blocks.
The following works (listed below) have been identified and some or all works are likely to form part of a future tender:
Survey of external fabric condition
External cladding repairs
Roof renewal (repairs/replacement)
Renewal of rainwater elements (repairs/replacement)
The installation of triple glazing to all properties
The installation and replacement of fire doors where required
The replacement of smoke ventilation systems/curtain walling systems
The upgrading of common electrical elements
Cleaning and repainting of external blocks
Refurbishing entranceways
Bird netting and pest control
Upgrading of common landing area doors/partitions for fire purposes
Upgrading of common areas floor/wall coverings
Upgrading of Laundry areas and machinery
Re lining of water tanks
Renewal of extract fans servicing common ducts
Upgrading of CCTV systems
Upgrading of common satellite systems (where required)
In order to assist with our market analysis, we are inviting interested parties to complete a Market Questionnaire. The deadline for interested market participants to submit a questionnaire is Friday 30 August 2024. Completed questionnaires should be submitted via email to brad.cooper@renfrewshire.gov.uk
The Council is inviting organisations to meet with our Housing Asset & Investment teams and Corporate Procurement Unit at one-to-one meetings. The one-to-one meetings will be held in person, location to be confirmed with organisations who request individual meetings week commencing 16 September 2024. Subject to the number of organisations who express an interest in one-to-one discussions, slots may be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Further to one-to-one meetings the council will compile a record of Frequently Asked Questions which will be published as an addendum to this Prior Information Notice.
Interested organisations will not be prejudiced by their participation/failure to participate in the preliminary market consultation.