Prior information notice
This notice is for prior information only
Section I: Contracting
I.1) Name and addresses
Transport for London
Internet address(es)
Main address:
I.3) Communication
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge at:
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
I.4) Type of the contracting authority
Body governed by public law
I.5) Main activity
General public services
Section II: Object
II.1) Scope of the procurement
II.1.1) Title
Supply of a SITS Predictive System
Reference number: ICT14804
II.1.2) Main CPV code
II.1.3) Type of contract
II.1.4) Short description
TfL wishes to invite potential suppliers to help shape how it might define, procure and contract for a SITS Predictive System.
The purpose of this Prior Information Notice is to notify the market of TfL's intention to carry out early market engagement to assess the current market capabilities and appetite for the requirement, and to provide details of how the early market engagement process is to be conducted.
TfL, at any time through this market engagement process and, at its sole discretion, may enter into discussions with respondents to this PIN. Feedback from respondents will assist TfL in understanding the current supply market considerations for the SITS Predictive System and inform the continued development of the procurement strategy for any potential future contract(s).
Suppliers wishing to participate in this market engagement process and view all associated documents including the Market Brochure and Market Sounding Questionnaire (MSQ) should send an email to to express interest and provide appropriate contact details.
TfL reserves the right to make changes to this advertisement without notice and without reason at any time.
II.1.6) Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots:
II.2) Description
II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code:
II.2.4) Description of the procurement
The SITS Predictive project is to deliver a software-based system with the capability to forecast the future state of the road network in response to TfL mitigation measures to resolve congestion due to: unplanned incidents; planned events; or road network changes.
The key features and capabilities of the future system are:
• forecast the state of the transport network for the next 60 minutes (broken down into 10-20 minute intervals) within 5 minutes from the point of request;
• cover the whole of London taking account of multiple concurrent incidents and multiple concurrent mitigation strategies;
• use different datasets (static, historic and real time) to make decisions and be able to operate whilst accommodating a variety of input data;
• select mitigation measures (e.g. traffic signal plan and procedures) based on the incident details and area of interest;
• assemble mitigation strategies to be modelled simultaneously (alongside a 'Do Nothing' scenario) and rank them on the basis of user-defined metrics;
• ultimately use machine learning/artificial intelligence to build and recommend optimal mitigation strategies on the fly and evolve to take advantage of emerging technologies.
• produce results that are valid against the data collected from the field to an agreed TfL standard;
• provide outputs (KPIs, speeds, flows etc.) for a user-defined Area of Interest (AOI);
• amend the future recommendation of the selected mitigation strategy by assessment based on the accuracy of the selected strategy against actual results (a feedback loop);
• connect seamlessly to other SITS components such as the RTO system, Data Service Hub and COV IMS for data input and output; and
• provide a user interface for administration, configuration and independent scenario testing.
These features enable TfL to keep traffic moving by identifying and deploying evidence base effective responses prior to the impact of disruptions becoming significant and widespread.
TfL wishes to engage with the market to help shape how we might define, procure and contract for a new SITS Predictive System. This will be achieved through assessing the current market capabilities and appetite for a SITS Predictive Capability contract.
TfL are seeking to explore different options for the procurement, delivery and ongoing operation of the SITS Predictive System. This includes exploring how a machine learning solution might be delivered without first having to deliver a system using established network modelling techniques.
As part of the early market engagement to be undertaken, TfL would like interested parties to respond to a Market Engagement Sounding Questionnaire (MSQ). Parties that express their interest will be provided with a Market Brochure containing further details of the SITS Predictive project along with the MSQ and certain other relevant information. Responses to the MSQ should be sent to and are politely requested by no later than Friday 01 November 2024. TfL will endeavour to keep all interested parties updated on future developments with regards to the SITS Predictive project.
II.3) Estimated date of publication of contract notice:
Section IV: Procedure
IV.1) Description
IV.1.8) Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement:
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.3) Additional information
TfL will manage the early market engagement process in an open and transparent manner to maximise the possible benefits. Response or non-response to the MSQ will not preclude or disadvantage/advantage any involvement in any potential future procurement activity.
However, direct or indirect canvassing of any TfL employee or agent concerning this requirement, or any attempt to procure information from any TfL employee or agent concerning this Prior Information Notice outside of the formal process described in this document may result in disqualification from consideration for any future procurement activity.
This Prior Information Notice is issued solely for the purpose of conducting a market engagement exercise and does not constitute any commitment by TfL to undertake any public procurement exercise in the future.
TfL will not enter into a contract based solely on the responses to this Prior Information Notice and no information contained in this document or in any communication made between TfL and any interested party in connection with this shall be relied upon as constituting a contract, agreement or representation that any contract shall be offered.
TfL is under no obligation to follow up this market engagement exercise in any way or with any interested parties. TfL is not liable for any costs, fees or expenses incurred by any party participating in this market engagement exercise. TfL cannot guarantee it will incorporate all or any feedback received into any subsequent procurement process.
VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice