Description of the goods or services required
It is the intention of the Client to appoint a Project Manager-led multi-disciplinary Design Team to deliver the refurbishment project, from RIBA stage 0 (Brief) to RIBA stage 7 (In Use). In summary, the following services are to be provided:
• Architectural design consultancy
• Project Management
• Principal designer services, as required under CDM Regulations
• Structural design consultancy
• Fire engineering consultancy.
• Mechanical and Electrical Design Services
The lead Project Manager will be expected to contribute to each of the tasks set out, working with Design and Delivery Teams, the Employer, other design team members to develop and test options for the space that reflect potential programme, proposals and budget, to meet the needs and perceptions of the Egypt Centre.
Detailed consultation is required with Stakeholders and end users to establish the exact requirements of the area along with the management of expectations.
The Project Manager will be responsible for leading the design development of the scheme, in collaboration with Egypt Centre representative, university Project Officer and other designers and consultants. Throughout this process the Project Manager will be required to engage and consult with university end user representatives and staff across a variety of departments within Swansea University’s Estates directorate.
The Project Manager will have responsibility for producing the complete technical design for the scheme; this will include design and coordination of all architectural, structural and building services information and specialist subcontractor design and specifications. The Project Manager will be expected to prepare this information to a high standard to enable a principal contractor to review the information and submit a tender bid for provision of associated construction services.
NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at