Voluntary ex ante transparency notice
Directive 2014/24/EU
Section I: Contracting
I.1) Name and addresses
DfE - Invest NI
Bedford Square, Bedford Street
E-mail: SSDadmin.CPD@finance-ni.gov.uk
Internet address(es)
Main address: https://etendersni.gov.uk/epps
Address of the buyer profile: https://etendersni.gov.uk/epps
I.4) Type of the contracting authority
Body governed by public law
I.5) Main activity
General public services
Section II: Object
II.1) Scope of the procurement
II.1.1) Title
ID 5135832 - DAC 99/23 DfE - Invest NI – Support and Maintenance of a People Management Solution
Reference number: ID 5135832 - DAC 99/23
II.1.2) Main CPV code
II.1.3) Type of contract
II.1.4) Short description
Invest NI require continued support and maintenance of their current People Management solution to e to facilitate the storage and management of business-critical information and provide business continuity. This Direct Award Contract (DAC) will be for a period of 3 years.
II.1.6) Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots:
II.1.7) Total value of the procurement
Value excluding VAT:
175 412.28
II.2) Description
II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code:
II.2.4) Description of the procurement
Invest NI require continued support and maintenance of their current People Management solution to e to facilitate the storage and management of business-critical information and provide business continuity. This Direct Award Contract (DAC) will be for a period of 3 years.
II.2.11) Information about options
II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds:
Section IV: Procedure
IV.1) Description
IV.1.1) Type of procedure
Negotiated procedure without prior publication
Justification for selected award procedure:
The works, supplies or services can be provided only by a particular economic operator for the following reason: protection of exclusive rights, including intellectual property rights
Invest NI require continued support and maintenance of their current People Management solution to e to facilitate the storage and management of business-critical information and provide business continuity. This Direct Award Contract (DAC) will be for a period of 3 years.
The Supplier owns the IPR of the current system and are the only company who can provide support for the system, therefore it is not possible for another contractor to provide this support service. In accordance with Public Contracts Regulations 2015 Regulations there is derogation to award the contract to a single supplier where the service can only be supplied by a particular supplier where competition is absent for technical reasons (reg 32(2)(b)(ii)) and for reasons connected with the protection of exclusive rights, including intellectual property rights (reg 32(2)(b)(iii)).
IV.1.8) Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement:
Section V: Award of contract/concession
V.2 Award of contract/concession
V.2.1) Date of conclusion of the contract/concession
V.2.2) Information about tenders
The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators:
V.2.3) Name and address of the contractor
MHR International UK Limited
Ruddington Hall
NG11 6LL
E-mail: marketing@midlandhr.com
Internet address(es)
URL: https://etendersni.gov.uk/epps
The contractor is an SME:
V.2.4) Information on value of the concession and main financing terms (excluding VAT)
Total value of the concession/lot:
175 412.28
V.2.5) Information about subcontracting
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.4) Procedures for review
VI.4.1) Review body
The UK does not have any such bodies with responsibility for appeal/mediation procedures. Instead; any challenges are dealt with by the High Court, Commercial Division, to which proceedings may be issued regarding alleged breaches of the PCR 2015 as amended
VI.4.3) Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
CPD will comply with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as amended) and, where appropriate, will incorporate a standstill period (i.e. a minimum of 10 calendar days) at the point information on the award of contract is communicated to tenderers. That notification will provide full information on the award decision. This provides time for the unsuccessful tenderers to challenge the award decision before the contract is entered into
VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice