II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code:
II.2.4) Description of the procurement
The City of Wolverhampton Council is seeking interest from providers in supporting the delivery of a volunteer mentoring scheme for care experienced young people 14 -25 that live within 20-mile radius of Wolverhampton. The intention is to have mentors work together with a care experienced young person at their own pace to forge trusting and positive relationships that support, challenge, and empower young people to unlock their own skills and to shape their own futures; reducing social isolation and loneliness, improving physical and mental health, building skills, confidence and opportunities and enabling young people to lead change. The intention is that the mentoring scheme would also provide a pen pal scheme to young people in custody.
The draft expectations of the proposed service is to provide;
• Recruit, train, and vet volunteers for matching a minimum of 25 young people each year
• Volunteers to be recruited from diverse backgrounds, with a mandatory requirement of Volunteers being of an age of 40+
• Support and supervise each match between volunteer and young person
• Measure the success of the match using agreed impact and monitoring tools
• Report on the progress of each match
• Review the progress of the project regularly
• Tracking of impact on Health and wellbeing, education, employment and training, Housing, and finances.
• Attend team meetings/ facilitate and contribute to care leavers events. Coordinator to have monthly update meetings with team manager of care leavers service and attend team meetings.
The Council would like to operate from a match funded contractual arrangement whereby the provider will equally match the Councils offer of fund costs of around - £26k per annum.
For further information, or to express an interest in delivering such a proposal, please email Dinesh.Joshi2@wolverhampton.gov.uk.