II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code:
Main site or place of performance:
II.2.4) Description of the procurement
The scope of this agreement is the provision of legal services to the further and higher education sector in Scotland including all the following specialisms
*Commercial-Business incorporating but not limited to the following:
Procurement & other contract law
Debt collection
Commercial corporate governance
Joint ventures
Banking, finance, insurance & taxation
Company formation
Corporate finance
Bond Issuance, mergers & acquisitions
Academic research (including grants) & research originated knowledge transfer
Competition law
Freedom of Information
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Intellectual Property
Technical Law including Software Licensing Agreements
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Software Licensing Agreements
*Property and Estates incorporating but not limited to the following:
Landlord and tenant law
General estate management issues
Planning law
Major building projects
Student accommodation
Construction and Engineering
Environmental law
Property litigation and dispute resolution
*People / HR Matters incorporating but not limited to the following:
Employment dispute resolution including tribunals
Employee relations
Employment contracts and policies
UK Visas & Immigration matters
Equality and diversity
Organisational change
Health and Safety
Pension law and advice
Student support and regulatory matters
Data protection
Freedom of Information
Fair Working Practices
*Charity incorporating but not limited to the following:
Charity law
Fundraising and sponsorship
Constitutional and parliamentary issues (including bulls, charters and statutes)
*Charity corporate governance
International incorporating but not limited to the following:
Public International Law
Law of the Sea
International Criminal Law
International ventures
International Humanitarian Law
International Human Rights Law
Refugee Law
Private International Law
Supranational Law