Short description of the contract or purchase(s)
Software support services. Software support services. The Authority has a requirement for integrated Hosting, Technical Support and Development of the ASSERT tool, for 3 years with Options for a further 2 years.
ASSERT is a web-based safety and environmental performance reporting tool. ASSERT was intitally provided for the Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) Air Support, Combat Air, Helicopters & Ships Operating Centres (OCs). It is now used in all DE&S OCs.
The ASSERT tool is endorsed by the DE&S Quality Safety & Environmental Protection team (QSEP) for reporting safety data across DE&S.This includes the ASEMS, OHSE, SQEP & OC specific safety reporting plus the Incident Logging functions. ASSERT is also used by the DSEA for its SEFIT database, the Diving Records database and the Fuel & Gas Regulator. It is also being developed as a workforce planning tool.
The QSEP team provides ASSERT which is used to support safety and risk management reporting for the DE&S user community,including contractors supporting DE&S projects. It also provides the ability to produce critical,non-sensitive evidence to support OC equipment safety case requirements. No data contained within it raises the classification above Official Sensitive-Personal.
Project Teams (PTs) require both technical support and guidance. Additionally, QSEP require expert technical support when visiting OCs & holding Steering Groups. This ensures;
a. Effective gathering of user requirements.
b. Development of corporate safety and environmental products that meet business needs and satisfy our customers.
c. Tools comply with safety and environmental legislation and policy.
d. The experts are able to recognise opportunities as well as constraints.
e. Identify workable solutions to suggested improvements and thus gain us valuable credibility with our customers.
Technical Support includes: providing a facility for creating and disseminating user accounts, being the first POC for capturing, collating and reporting user login difficulties, error messages and faults (including software faults).Resolving of issues affecting or impacting usability of the tool, or providing a suitable alternative workaround. Collecting and recording user generated change requests to be passed on to the relevant Steering Groups for assessment.
Integrated Hosting of the ASSERT tool to allow for both MOD & industry partners through the RLI network.
ASSERT is in development. Over the next three to five years there may be up to 3 000 000 GBP spent on further enhancements to the tool. Because of the nature of technical support and error management the requirement for Hosting & Support also includes provision for development. An ad hoc tasking facility will cover individual developments. There is no commitment to spend the full amount or any part of it.
Development includes provision of business analysis to define user requirements & translate them into functional requirements working closely with the OCs, PTs & QSEP to manage the requirements,provision of an acceptable technical solution & firm price for the development & project managing the development through to User Acceptance & sign off of the delivered functionality.
Other required activities will include providing user manuals and training materials and executing training at DE&S locations in the UK as well as providing the secretariat for Steering & User Groups, hosted regularly throughout the year.
The successful provider will have technical competence in the architecture, the ability to provide support from Level 1 (initial contact) through to engineering and detailed functional knowledge.
The successful provider will be competent to develop multiple projects of 200 plus person days simultaneously with typical end to end delivery of 3 months or less using agile (such as SCRUM) or other rapid application methodologies. The successful provider will be certified to the quality/security processes such as ISO 9001 & ISO 27001 (or equivalent).
The successful provider will have a competent working knowledge of Acquisition Systems, Environmental Protection & Occupational Safety in order to interact with a complex user base of Safety & Environmental Experts.
All providing staff interacting with ASSERT must have UK MOD Security Clearance at SC level or above.