II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code:
II.2.4) Description of the procurement
Improved digital connectivity is a mayoral priority and LCR has some key digital assets that provide a significant competitive advantage to the attractiveness of the region. The ‘super-computer’ is located at SciTech Daresbury, in Halton and the superfast GTT trans-atlantic cable reaches the UK mainland at Southport in Sefton. The LCRCA has ambition that these locations are interconnected and at the same time a digital backhaul network is established across the LCR.
To deliver this ambition, the LCRCA is looking to establish a joint venture, or similar partnership, with a supplier in order to build, operate, commercialise and maintain a new digital connectivity backhaul network across the LCR. To improve the value, flexibility, and future-proofing of these arrangements, LCRCA is looking to establish a partnership arrangement with a supplier, who will support in the design, implementation, maintenance, operation and commercialisation of such network. The supplier will be prepared to enter into a long-term commercial and financial arrangement with LCRCA to support in delivering the wider ambition around the digital strategy for the LCR. This digital network is expected to deliver a dedicated full fibre connectivity network, with unlimited capacity, which passes through all LA localities. This will also support the future development of LA local access networks as well as wider commercial opportunities. In some cases, the network will provide immediate connectivity opportunities for key strategic locations and assets across the LCR. The LCRCA has undertaken some initial route mapping and worked with LA partners to ‘optimise’ where a such a backhaul network could be located across each LA locality. The supplier will be expected to develop this initial work and identify opportunity for further improvement and refinement.
To help stimulate demand and support with immediately available asset, the LCRCA is currently undertaking a ‘dig-once’ programme to install ducting and chambers, in-advance of the partnership with the selected supplier being established. The ‘dig-once’ programme will be delivered jointly with LA partners, and assets will be installed where possible along the indicative route during planned capital and maintenance work programmes. This will provide a significant amount of infrastructure asset which will be made available to the supplier in accordance with state aid and public procurement requirements.
The LCRCA will make a significant contribution to the project through its strategic investment fund and expects to contribute up to 50 % of the overall commercial arrangement. In order to facilitate LCRCA’s contribution to the project, both in terms of infrastructure to be provided under the ‘dig once’ programme and in terms of financial contributions, the LCRCA has assumed that a joint venture structure will be established. The procurement will include an opportunity for prospective suppliers to enter into dialogue with LCRCA and propose initial and then more detailed solutions, before LCRCA selects a preferred partner organisation. The LCRCA expects to down-select interested parties during this process and will seek to establish a preferred supplier and enter into commercial arrangements that deliver the best solution in terms of network, commercial ambition and value for money.
LCRCA will be the contracting authority and will enter into any future joint venture or similar partnering arrangement with a preferred supplier, on behalf of itself and all the Liverpool City Region Local Authorities (Wirral, Sefton, Knowsley, St Helens, Liverpool and Halton Councils). The LCRCA has authorised Merseytravel to administer this procurement on its behalf.
II.2.5) Award criteria
Criteria below:
Quality criterion: Quality
/ Weighting: 70
/ Weighting:
II.2.6) Estimated value
Value excluding VAT:
20 000 000.00
II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 2400
This contract is subject to renewal: No
II.2.9) Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
Envisaged minimum number: 3
Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates:
The Liverpool City Region (LCR) is governed by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) and its constituent Local Authorities (LA’s). The Combined Authority has specific authority over city region-wide issues, including economic development, transport, strategic housing and employment and skills, and is working to grow the economy and attract more residents and businesses to live, work, visit or invest in the Liverpool City Region.
The LCRCA recognises the importance of digital connectivity and its direct relationship to economic growth. Improved Digital Connectivity is a mayoral priority and LCR has some key digital assets that provide a significant competitive advantage to the attractiveness of the region. The ‘super-computer’ is located at SciTech Daresbury, in Halton and the superfast GTT trans-Atlantic cable reaches the UK mainland at Southport in Sefton. The LCRCA has ambition that these are interconnected and at the same time a backhaul network is established across the LCR.
To deliver this ambition, the LCRCA and the LA’s across LCR, are looking to establish a Joint Venture with a supplier in order to build, operate and maintain a digital connectivity backhaul network across the LCR. To improve the value, flexibility, and future-proofing of these arrangements, LCRCA is looking to establish a Joint Venture partnership arrangement with a supplier, who will support in the design, implementation, maintenance, operations and commercialisation of any network. The supplier will be prepared to enter into a long-term commercial arrangement with the LCRCA to support in delivering the wider ambition around the digital strategy for the LCR. This digital network is expected to deliver a dedicated full fibre backhaul network, with unlimited capacity, which passes through all LA localities. This would also support the future development of LA local access networks. In some cases, the network will provide immediate connectivity opportunities for key strategic locations and assets across the LCR. The LCRCA has undertaken some initial route mapping and worked with LA partners to ‘optimise’ where a backhaul network could be located across each LA locality. The JV supplier would be expected to develop this initial work and identify opportunity for further improvement and refinement.
To help stimulate demand and support with immediately available asset, the LCRCA is currently undertaking a dig-once programme to install ducting and chambers, in-advance of the JV partnership being established. This will be delivered jointly with LA partners, and assets will be installed where possible along the indicative route, during capital and maintenance work programmes.
The LCRCA will make a significant contribution to the JV through its Strategic Investment Fund and expects to contribute up to 50 % of the overall investment arrangement. The procurement will include an opportunity for suppliers to enter into competitive dialogue with LCRCA and propose initial and then more detailed solutions, before selecting a preferred partner organisation. The LCRCA expects to down-select interested parties during this process and will seek to establish a preferred supplier and enter into a commercial arrangement that delivers the best solution in terms of network and commercial ambition.
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) for the purposes of this procurement will be the contracting authority and will enter into any future contractual arrangement with a preferred supplier, on behalf of itself and all the Liverpool City Region Local Authorities (Wirral, Sefton, Knowsley, Halton St Helens and Liverpool). The Combined Authority has authorised Merseytravel to administer this procurement on its behalf.
II.2.10) Information about variants
Variants will be accepted:
II.2.11) Information about options
II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: