Description of the contract
AHDB is looking to secure the services of a supplier to build on the work already commissioned to expand the evidence landscape for practices applicable to the dairy sector.
The selected supplier will be provided with the evidence standard guidance developed by the AHDB and the overall picture of the evidence landscape for dairy farming from the previous review.
The supplier is required to translate the Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) information produced into content that can be used by farmers, and for use within the Evidence Store.
Detailed service requirements
a. Provide REAs on practices that reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon storage according to AHDB’s draft Evidence Standards. The REAs should cover the practices previously identified for dairy but not taken through to REA stage, and any additional practices you identify
b. Outline where there are existing evidence syntheses and the nature of these syntheses
c. Translate REAs into narrative summaries for each practice that can be presented to farmers and growers
d. Outline where there are gaps in the evidence base
e. Outline where there are future data developments and technologies