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Contract Notice

Park Mains High School Extension - Design and Build

  • First published: 06 July 2024
  • Last modified: 06 July 2024
  • This file may not be fully accessible.


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Published by:
Renfrewshire Council
Authority ID:
Publication date:
06 July 2024
Deadline date:
08 August 2024
Notice type:
Contract Notice
Has documents:
Has SPD:
Has Carbon Reduction Plan:


Renfrewshire Council wishes to appoint an experienced Contractor to carry out the Design and Construction requirements of the extension to Park Mains High School.

Full notice text

Contract notice

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1) Name and addresses

Renfrewshire Council

Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street




Contact person: Joanna Tannock



Internet address(es)

Main address:

Address of the buyer profile:

I.3) Communication

The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge at:

Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address

Tenders or requests to participate must be sent electronically to:

I.4) Type of the contracting authority

Regional or local authority

I.5) Main activity

General public services

Section II: Object

II.1) Scope of the procurement

II.1.1) Title

Park Mains High School Extension - Design and Build

Reference number: RC-CPU-24-053

II.1.2) Main CPV code



II.1.3) Type of contract


II.1.4) Short description

Renfrewshire Council wishes to appoint an experienced Contractor to carry out the Design and Construction requirements of the extension to Park Mains High School.

II.1.6) Information about lots

This contract is divided into lots: No

II.2) Description

II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)


II.2.3) Place of performance

NUTS code:


Main site or place of performance:

Park Mains High School, Barrhill Rd, Erskine PA8 6EY

II.2.4) Description of the procurement

The proposals at this stage include for a 3-storey stand-alone Teaching Annex Building adjacent to the school’s existing West Teaching Wing, single storey Infill Extension of part of the courtyard for dining, and a 2-storey stand-alone P.E Annex Building adjacent to the school’s existing P.E Block to the South of the site. The total GIFA of 2 new Annex Buildings and Courtyard Extension is approximately 4,330m².

Additionally, a significant programme of internal alterations, extending to approximately 1,755m² of existing floor space, will be undertaken to maintain subject adjacencies, provision of new staff bases, increased dining seating capacity, increased numbers of pupil and staff toilets and an increase in the meals output capacity of the school kitchen.

External works include for a new covered dining area in the courtyard extending to approximately 120m² and alterations to existing bus drop off area to increase capacity for additional buses and provision of additional car parking spaces.

II.2.5) Award criteria

Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents

II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system

Duration in months: 48

This contract is subject to renewal: No

II.2.9) Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited

Envisaged number of candidates: 5

Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates:

Technical and Professional Ability 20%

Design and Build Contracting 20%

Working in Close Proximity to Existing Buildings 20%

Soft Landings 15%

Zero Defects 15%

BIM 10%

The Council intends to limit the number of otherwise qualified Candidates invited to tender to a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of five (5) i.e. a total of five (5) Candidates. The Council however reserves the right to invite more than 5 Candidates to tender where the Council considers this is necessary to ensure sufficient competition and equal treatment of Candidates, or in the event that any Candidate progresses from the Qualification Envelope and the final Technical Envelope score is within 1% of the fifth ranked score). Candidates may apply for selection to tender by submitting a RTP in accordance with the instruction provided herein.

II.2.10) Information about variants

Variants will be accepted: No

II.2.11) Information about options

Options: No

II.2.13) Information about European Union funds

The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information

III.1) Conditions for participation

III.1.1) Suitability to pursue the professional activity, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers

List and brief description of conditions:

Please refer to Appendix 1 - SPD Requirements within the ITP document.

III.1.2) Economic and financial standing

Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents

III.1.3) Technical and professional ability

Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents

III.2) Conditions related to the contract

III.2.2) Contract performance conditions

This Contract will include performance conditions in relation to Fair Working Practices and Community Benefits.

III.2.3) Information about staff responsible for the performance of the contract

Obligation to indicate the names and professional qualifications of the staff assigned to performing the contract

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1) Description

IV.1.1) Type of procedure

Restricted procedure

IV.1.8) Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Yes

IV.2) Administrative information

IV.2.2) Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate

Date: 08/08/2024

Local time: 12:00

IV.2.3) Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates

Date: 28/08/2024

IV.2.4) Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted


Section VI: Complementary information

VI.1) Information about recurrence

This is a recurrent procurement: No

VI.2) Information about electronic workflows

Electronic ordering will be used

Electronic invoicing will be accepted

Electronic payment will be used

VI.3) Additional information

The buyer is using PCS-Tender to conduct this PQQ exercise. The Project code is 27096. For more information see:

A sub-contract clause has been included in this contract. For more information see:

Community benefits are included in this requirement. For more information see:

A summary of the expected community benefits has been provided as follows:

Community Benefits will be evaluated.

(SC Ref:771632)

VI.4) Procedures for review

VI.4.1) Review body




VI.4.2) Body responsible for mediation procedures




Internet address(es)


VI.4.3) Review procedure

Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:

Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:

An economic operator that suffers, or risks suffering, loss or damage attributable to a breach of duty under the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015 (SSI 2015/446) (as amended) may bring proceedings in the Sheriff Court or Court of Session.

VI.4.4) Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained

Court of Session

Parliament Square




VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice



Commodity categories

ID Title Parent category
45210000 Building construction work Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
45214200 Construction work for school buildings Construction work for buildings relating to education and research

Delivery locations

ID Description
100 UK - All

Alert region restrictions

The buyer has restricted the alert for this notice to suppliers based in the following regions.

ID Description
There are no alert restrictions for this notice.

About the buyer

Main contact:
Admin contact:
Technical contact:
Other contact:

Further information

Date Details
No further information has been uploaded.

0800 222 9004

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