Additional information
Early Market Engagement:
The Authority is interested in understanding the capabilities in the market to help inform the development of the requirements. Early Market Engagement activities will be conducted in three parts.
1. Supplier Briefs
2. An MoD hosted Industry Day
3. A MoD hosted Demonstration Event
Supplier Briefs:
Please provide a brief of up to 2,500 words detailing your capability and potential solutions to the requirements along with a price list and any potential risk/issues that the Authority should consider. Your brief should be addressed to Please provide your brief no later 09 August 2024.
As a minimum, your brief should address the following aspects:
1. What potential solutions are available to meet the requirements as stated in this PIN. Please provide information to support including any brochures (including technical information), and supplementary information if appropriate.
2. Please provide specific information on the product maturity/ technology readiness level.
3. What are the estimated delivery timescales from order through to delivery? Please base timescales on quantities listed above.
4. What are the estimated costs per unit at the market price?
5. Please provide information on how you would provide an in-service support package which may include but not limited to spares provision, repairs, technical expertise, servicing, safety and environmental management, obsolescence management, configuration control and technical support.
6. Potential risks / issues in relation to these requirements
Industry Day:
As part of the Early Market Engagement the Authority intends to hold an industry day for these projects. Further information will be released through subsequent PINs.
Demonstration Event:
The Authority may wish to hold a Demonstration day after the Industry day has taken place. Further details will be outlined in a future PIN.
Supplier Engagement
The MoD will be reaching out to suppliers to discuss their potential solutions as part of this Early Market Engagement strategy. These discussions will help inform the Authority’s requirement in preparation for the anticipated competition.
If you are interested and would like to discuss your capability that meets these requirements, please contact
All information provided at each Market Engagement Stage shall not be used by the Authority to down select or evaluate suppliers but shall help inform the development of the requirement and contracting strategy only.
In issuing this PIN, The Authority is not committing to commence with any procurement in relation to the requirements stated in this PIN. Accordingly, any expenditure, work or effort undertaken before contract award is a matter solely for the commercial judgement of potential suppliers.