II.2.1) Title
Infrastructure and Systems Contract
II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code:
II.2.4) Description of the procurement
The City of Edinburgh Council wishes to procure a suitably qualified and experienced contractor with extensive experience of design and construction of urban light railways in a dense city centre environment. The contractor must have considerable traffic management experience commensurate with the above.
The infrastructure and systems contract involves the design and construction, systems integration, testing, commissioning and bringing into operationally service the Edinburgh Tram York Place to Newhaven Project, which is envisaged to include, but may not be limited to, the following works:
— track and civil works, including trackworks, road traffic signalling, roadworks, drainage, signing and marking, stops, substations, structures, pits and conduits, miscellaneous civil works including walls and boundaries and landscaping,
— external elements of the traction power supply system, including overhead conductor system, feeder cables and distribution cabinets, stray current and earthing,
— auxiliary systems, including but not limited to building services, public lighting, and fire detection systems, and
— tram communications and control systems.
Please note that the Council currently propose to agree terms with the original supplier for the extension of existing proprietary tram communication and control systems and require each tenderer to include this supplier in its tender as a sub-contractor. Should this proposal change at any time, the Council reserve the right to continue with this pre-qualification process without amendment, or to aend the rules of this pre-qualification process in which case all applicants will be advised of the amended rules.
The main works components are likely to include:
— embedded, slab and ballast track forms of total double track length of 4,6 km,
— tram stabling area,
— 2 substations including civil works, traction power substation equipment, building services and earthing,
— demolition of York Place tram stop,
— 8 new tram stops,
— Overhead Line Equipment (OLE) including poles and building fixings and associated feeder cables and distribution cabinets,
— cable duct infrastructure,
— bridge works,
— tie-in of track, OCS and systems with existing operating line at York Place,
— drainage, including track and road drainage and tram stop drainage,
— roadworks and paving works,
— tram communication and control systems (via the Council’s nominated sub-contractor) including tram signalling, points and points indicators, automatic vehicle location systems, central control system, fixed equipment and power supply SCADA, passenger information systems, public address system, closed circuit TV, timing, radio transmission, cable transmission network, telephone system and emergency telephone system,
— traffic control at traffic signalised junctions,
— driver facilities buildings,
— public realm spaces at Ocean Terminal and Elm Row including reinstatement of ancient monuments, signage, and fountains
— other civil works, including the rehabilitation of the constitution street wall and retaining walls,
— accommodation works, including reconfiguration of car park, and
— diversion of utilities and resolution of archaeology which are outside the scope of the swept path contract.
II.2.5) Award criteria
Quality criterion: Quality
/ Weighting: 40
/ Weighting:
II.2.11) Information about options
II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds:
II.2.1) Title
Swept Path Contract
II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code:
II.2.4) Description of the procurement
The City of Edinburgh Council wishes to procure a suitably qualified and experienced contractor with extensive experience of design and construction of utility diversions and archaeology resolution in a dense city centre environment. The contractor must have considerable traffic management experience commensurate with the above.
The scope of the swept path contract is to clear the tram route of all below ground utilities and obstructions, including archaeology, either by means of diversion or removal. The parameters of the area to be cleared shall be defined by the contractor awarded the infrastructure and system contract (Lot 1), however this is likely to include space proofing for the tram trackslab, ducting and the installation of Scottish Water connection manholes.
The swept path contract shall be carried out in advance of, but coordinated with, the infrastructure and system contract.
The main elements of the works to be carried out by the swept path contractor are:
— coordination of the utility diversion or removal design and removal of below ground conflicts with the track parameters provided by the infrastructure and systems contractor,
— design of all utility diversions required to achieve the swept path,
— liaising and reaching agreement with all utility companies and third parties as required on utility designs,
— procurement and management of a specialist archaeology subcontractor to manage and carry out works at specific locations of interest along the route, and
— excavation of a ‘zone’ to defined parameters provided by the infrastructure and system contractor to accommodate the tram works along the route allowing all relevant utilities, obstructions and archaeology to be identified, removed and/or diverted accordingly to achieve the swept path.
II.2.5) Award criteria
Quality criterion: Quality
/ Weighting: 70
/ Weighting:
II.2.11) Information about options
II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: