Description of the goods or services required
A review of Monmouthshire’s Destination Management Plan 2017-2020 and Destination Partnership arrangements.
A review of Monmouthshire’s destination intelligence and insights.
Effective engagement with Monmouthshire communities, key stakeholders and partners, including relevant private sector tourism associations, chambers of commerce, key businesses and relevant personnel from Visit Wales, Cardiff Capital Region, Bannau Brycheiniog National Park Authority, Wye Valley National Landscape unit, and key staff and elected members of Monmouthshire County Council.
A comprehensive review of market and visitor behaviour trends.
Development of a Vision and Action Plan informed by the above, identifying priorities for the next 5 years, based on the best prospects and markets for sustainable growth, the destination’s unique DNA / unifying brand story, the profile and predicted performance of the county’s visitor economy businesses and potential sources of funding for delivery.
Recommendations on the most appropriate delivery model / partnership
Management of consultation on the developed proposals to secure approval by stakeholders (including political approval) of a new Destination Management Plan and reinvigorated Destination Partnership arrangements.
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