Description of the goods or services required
In accordance with WEFO funding requirements and the Monitoring and Evaluation plan at Schedule 1.
- Review of project/operation documentation, including any M&E systems in place
- Review of contextual information
- Scoping interviews with key stakeholders
Evaluation design
- Co-production of logic model
- Production of evaluation framework
- Research material design
- Impact and counterfactual assessment options appraisal
- Depends on the specific project and the evaluation framework, but usually:
- Telephone interviews with wider stakeholders
- Workshop with delivery team
- Survey/interviews with end-beneficiaries
- Case studies of end-beneficiaries
Analysis (according to evaluation framework)
- Evaluation-generated data analysis
- Project monitoring data analysis
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Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems.