Additional Information
All responses should be received no later than 8 June 2017.
Evaluation of the tenders will be conducted using the following criteria and weighting:
1. Value for money: All responses are to demonstrate value for money in their return. As this is a call off contract then hourly rates and fixed charges should be used. (20%)
2. Quality: All responses are to demonstrate how quality is managed and make their current quality plans available for review.
3. Health and Safety: All responses are to highlight how they manage health and safety and give evidence of past H&S
performance. Any relevant polices should be made available for review. (10%)
4. Reputation: All responses are to demonstrate their reputation for design and manufacture of engineering systems
operating in extreme environments through previous project evidence. (20%)
5. Ability to Deliver: All responses are to highlight their skill set, resource availability and facilities that will allow them to respond, at short notice, to a variety of demands from fabrication, design and/or repair to the test barge. (40%)
Not to be used in the tender evaluation but should be included for data gathering purposes:
Any Impact on Pembrokeshire local community and economy: All responses are to highlight any direct or indirect benefit to the
local area either from the business as a whole or through this particular contract.
This notice has been sent as a region specific notice. If you did not receive an alert about this you are not based in the specific region selected by the buying authority. Questions on why this was sent as a region specific notice should be sent to the buying authority.
(WA Ref:65774)
Relates to the following project/programme financed by EU Community Funds: Wave-Tricity: Ocean Wave Rower
The buyer considers that this contract is suitable for consortia bidding.