Minimum standards and qualification required
Bydd y ceisiadau llwyddiannus yn rhoi tystiolaeth ymarferol o’r Meini Prawf hyn:
1. Cynnig cadarn a realistig sy’n cyflawni Briff y Gymrodoriaeth yn llawn, ac yn dangos y capasiti i ddechrau ar y gwaith yn gyflym ac i gyflawni’r gwaith yn brydlon.
2. Profiad sylweddol o ddarparu gweithgareddau datblygu artistig a digwyddiadau sy’n golygu ymwneud â’r cyhoedd, gan gynnwys profiad o reoli perthnasau â phartneriaid pwysig a chyfathrebu â’r cyhoedd.
3. Profiad amlwg o ddefnyddio’r celfyddydau i ystyried themâu cyfiawnder hinsawdd a chysylltiad pobl â byd natur.
4. Dealltwriaeth gref o’r Gymraeg, diwylliant Cymru a’r sîn gelfyddydol Gymreig, a’r gallu i ddarparu gwasanaethau’n ddwyieithog.
5. Profiad o reoli cyllidebau, gan gynnwys cyflwyno cynnig hyfyw wedi’i gyllidebu ar gyfer datblygu rhaglen y Gymrodoriaeth a digwyddiadau sy’n ymwneud â’r cyhoedd.
6. Rhoi gwerth da am arian.
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Successful bids will provide practical evidence of the following Criteria:
1. A robust and realistic proposal that fully meets the Brief of the Fellowship, and shows the capacity to begin the work quickly and to work to meet deadlines
2. Substantial experience of delivering artist development activities and public engagement events, including experience of managing relationships with key partners and communicating with the public.
3. Proven experience of using the arts to consider the themes of climate justice and connection to nature
4. A strong understanding of Welsh language, Welsh culture and the Welsh arts scene and an ability to deliver services bilingually.
5. Experience of managing budgets, including the submission of a viable budgeted proposal for the Fellows development programme and public engagement events.
6. Representing good value for money