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Contract Notice

Water Hygiene Management Services Framework

  • First published: 22 November 2018
  • Last modified: 22 November 2018
  • This file may not be fully accessible.


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To record your interest or obtain additional information or documents please find instructions within the Full Notice Text. (NOTE: Contract Award Notices and Prior Information Notices do not normally require a response)

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Published by:
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge
Authority ID:
Publication date:
22 November 2018
Deadline date:
18 January 2019
Notice type:
Contract Notice
Has documents:
Has SPD:
Has Carbon Reduction Plan:


a) accredited training for the Employer’s staff to allow them to fulfil their duties in respect of water safety;

b) an audit function to ensure the arrangements for managing water safety are working and that all Employers stakeholders are fully aware of what they should be doing to ensure compliance;

c) a 24 hour, 365 emergency and non-emergency call out service to provide initial advisory support for emergency and non-emergency situations;

e) expert advice where required by the Employer;

d) to ensure the Employer’s compliance with HSE ACoP L8.

Full notice text

Contract notice

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1) Name and addresses

The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge

Estate Management, Greenwich House, Madingley Road




Contact person: Elena Johnston



Internet address(es)

Main address:

Address of the buyer profile:

I.3) Communication

Access to the procurement documents is restricted. Further information can be obtained at:

Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address

Tenders or requests to participate must be sent electronically to:

I.4) Type of the contracting authority

Other: Higher Education

I.5) Main activity

Other: Higher Education

Section II: Object

II.1) Scope of the procurement

II.1.1) Title

Water Hygiene Management Services Framework

Reference number: EM-EF-006/2016

II.1.2) Main CPV code



II.1.3) Type of contract


II.1.4) Short description

The University of Cambridge is seeking to appoint up to five (5) Framework Contractors per Lot to provide:

— Lot 1: provision of competent support and training,

— Lot 2: risk assessment services,

— Lot 3 a&b: engineering remedial works,

— Lot 4: water quality sampling.

II.1.5) Estimated total value

Value excluding VAT: 1 650 000.00  GBP

II.1.6) Information about lots

This contract is divided into lots: Yes

Tenders may be submitted for maximum 2 lots

Maximum number of lots that may be awarded to one tenderer: 2

The contracting authority reserves the right to award contracts combining the following lots or groups of lots:

Due to potential conflict of interest, the Applicants are not permitted to apply for more than one Lot. The only exception to foregoing is any Applicants applying for Lot 3a and/or Lot 3b may also apply for Lot 4. The Applicants applying for more than one Lot have to demonstrate that they have sufficient resources, technical capability and financial capacity to successfully deliver more than 1 Lot.

II.2) Description

Lot No: 1

II.2.1) Title

Lot 1: Provision of Competent Support and Training

II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)


II.2.3) Place of performance

NUTS code:


Main site or place of performance:

Cambridge and nearby areas

II.2.4) Description of the procurement

a) accredited training for the Employer’s staff to allow them to fulfil their duties in respect of water safety;

b) an audit function to ensure the arrangements for managing water safety are working and that all Employers stakeholders are fully aware of what they should be doing to ensure compliance;

c) a 24 hour, 365 emergency and non-emergency call out service to provide initial advisory support for emergency and non-emergency situations;

e) expert advice where required by the Employer;

d) to ensure the Employer’s compliance with HSE ACoP L8.

II.2.5) Award criteria

Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents

II.2.6) Estimated value

Value excluding VAT: 180 000.00  GBP

II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system

Duration in months: 36

This contract is subject to renewal: Yes

Description of renewals:

Option to extend for up to 2 one (1) year periods

II.2.9) Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited

Envisaged minimum number: 8

II.2.10) Information about variants

Variants will be accepted: No

II.2.11) Information about options

Options: No

II.2.13) Information about European Union funds

The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No

Lot No: 2

II.2.1) Title

Risk Assessment Services

II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)


II.2.3) Place of performance

NUTS code:


Main site or place of performance:

Cambridge and nearby areas.

II.2.4) Description of the procurement

a) an independent monitoring and auditing function to carry out water safety risk assessments, specifically for that of legionella, but also including coliforms and biofilms;

b) confirmation that preventive measures are being properly implemented, and verification that water treatment services are effective and compliant with the relevant current legislation and codes of practice;

c) preparation and the updating of written schemes for Affected Properties.

In accordance with HSE ACoP L8 and the BS 8580 (2010) — Risk Assessments for Legionella Control (BS 8580 (2010) and any superseding codes of practice enabling:

— identification of systems of risk,

— review of existing risk assessments,

— production of up to date schematics,

— appraisal of system condition including accessible equipment,

— management of log books,

— water management review,

— remedial items including an action plan as per the Employer’s template Appendix C-I (e) Water Safety Action Plan,

— assessment of effectiveness of written scheme,

— frequency of review.

To ensure compliance with HSE ACoP L8.

II.2.5) Award criteria

Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents

II.2.6) Estimated value

Value excluding VAT: 210 000.00  GBP

II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system

Duration in months: 36

This contract is subject to renewal: Yes

Description of renewals:

An option to extend up to 2 one (1) year periods.

II.2.9) Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited

Envisaged minimum number: 8

II.2.10) Information about variants

Variants will be accepted: No

II.2.11) Information about options

Options: No

II.2.13) Information about European Union funds

The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No

Lot No: 3

II.2.1) Title

Engineering Remedial Works

II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)


II.2.3) Place of performance

NUTS code:



Main site or place of performance:

Cambridge and nearby areas.

II.2.4) Description of the procurement

— Lot 3a: Engineering remedial works to water services identified by risk assessment works up to a value of 25 000 GBP,

— Lot 3b: Engineering remedial works to water services identified by risk assessment works with a value greater than 25 001 GBP.

To include engineering remedial works identified following risk assessments to ensure the Employer’s compliance with HSE ACoP L8 including:

— alterations to pipework to prevent proliferation of water borne bacteria,

— tracing out of pipework systems,

— cistern and associated system clean and chlorination, including relining and replacement,

— remedial works on items of plant related to water hygiene including minor modifications to the Trend Building Maintenance Systems (BMS).

II.2.5) Award criteria

Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents

II.2.6) Estimated value

Value excluding VAT: 900 000.00  GBP

II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system

Duration in months: 36

This contract is subject to renewal: Yes

Description of renewals:

An option to extend up to 2 one (1) year periods.

II.2.9) Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited

Envisaged minimum number: 8

II.2.10) Information about variants

Variants will be accepted: No

II.2.11) Information about options

Options: No

II.2.13) Information about European Union funds

The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No

Lot No: 4

II.2.1) Title

Water Quality Sampling

II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)


II.2.3) Place of performance

NUTS code:


Main site or place of performance:

Cambridge and nearby areas.

II.2.4) Description of the procurement

To ensure the quality of water across the Employer’s estate.

a) water quality sampling and testing including:

— clostridia,

— e.coli,

— enterococci,

— legionella (pre and post),

— potable water quality,

— potable water quality in respect of lead content,

— pseudomonas aeruginosa (pre and post),

— total coliforms,

— Total Viable Count (TVC);

b) to provide reporting on water quality sampling and testing:

— provision of UKAS accredited reports on water quality,

— updating of the Employer’s templates upon receipt of water quality results.

II.2.5) Award criteria

Price is not the only award criterion and all criteria are stated only in the procurement documents

II.2.6) Estimated value

Value excluding VAT: 360 000.00  GBP

II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system

Duration in months: 36

This contract is subject to renewal: Yes

Description of renewals:

An option to extend up to 2 one (1) year periods.

II.2.9) Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited

Envisaged minimum number: 8

II.2.10) Information about variants

Variants will be accepted: No

II.2.11) Information about options

Options: No

II.2.13) Information about European Union funds

The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information

III.1) Conditions for participation

III.1.1) Suitability to pursue the professional activity, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers

List and brief description of conditions:

Details are included in the PQQ.The suppliers wishing to participate in this procurement must be registered in In-Tend, a web based tendering system, Once registered, the supplier will be able to express their interest in this procurement via In-Tend and download the pre-qualification questionnaire.

III.1.2) Economic and financial standing

Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents

III.1.3) Technical and professional ability

Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents

III.2) Conditions related to the contract

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1) Description

IV.1.1) Type of procedure

Restricted procedure

IV.1.3) Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system

The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement with several operators.

Envisaged maximum number of participants to the framework agreement: 5

Justification for any framework agreement duration exceeding 4 years: To ensure continuity of services.

IV.1.8) Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: No

IV.2) Administrative information

IV.2.2) Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate

Date: 18/01/2019

Local time: 12:00

IV.2.3) Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates

Date: 09/04/2019

IV.2.4) Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted


IV.2.6) Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender

Duration in months: 180 (from the date stated for receipt of tender)

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.1) Information about recurrence

This is a recurrent procurement: Yes

Estimated timing for further notices to be published:

In apprx. 5 years.

VI.3) Additional information

This procurement is being conducted under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (Directive 2014/24/EU) (“PCR 2015”), however, the University of Cambridge is not a public body within the meaning of the PCR 2015 and is not subject to the PCR 2015. Where the University of Cambridge advertises contracts in the OJEU, it does so on a voluntary basis and has no obligation to comply with the PCR 2015. The University of Cambridge therefore reserves the right to modify or depart from the procedures prescribed in the PCR 2015 as the University of Cambridge considers necessary. The full specification is still being prepared and will be available by the Invitation to Tender stage. The outline of scope of services is included above and in the pre-qualification questionnaire. Should the Applicant require any further information or have any queries, the Applicant should direct these queries as described here. The Invitation to Tender is also still being prepared and is not available at this stage.

In this procurement the University of Cambridge is following the restricted procedure and conducting a two-stage procurement process of which the pre-qualification will be the first stage. Following the completion of the selection process, the pre-qualified suppliers will be invited to tender.

NEC3 Term Service Contract shall form the basis of the Framework between the Employer and the Contractor should any contract be awarded as a result of this procurement.

The framework will be awarded for a period of three (3) years with an option to extend up to 2 one (1) year periods. The planned start date of the framework is 15.9.2019.

The suppliers wishing to express interest in participating in this procurement must be registered in In-Tend, a web based tendering system, Once registered, the supplier will be able to express their interest in this procurement via In-Tend and download the pre-qualification questionnaire as appropriate.

The PQQ has been structured to provide the Applicants with as much information as is available at this stage of the procurement, however should you have any queries about this procurement or how it will be conducted, please direct these queries as described here.

Due to potential conflict of interest, the Applicants are not permitted to apply for more than one Lot. The only exception to foregoing is any Applicants applying for Lot 3a and/or Lot 3b may also apply for Lot 4. The Applicants applying to be pre-qualified for more than one Lot have to demonstrate that they have sufficient resources, technical capability and financial capacity to successfully deliver more than one Lot.


It is not possible to participate in this procurement without registering in In-Tend. The registration takes only a few minutes and is free. To register, please go to

The suppliers that register their interest in this procurement in In-Tend, will be able to download the pre-qualification questionnaire relating to this procurement. The pre-qualification questionnaire provides further detail about this procurement, the process that the University of Cambridge will be following in this procurement, key information about the contract, selection criteria that the University of Cambridge will use to evaluate the suppliers’ submissions with a view of identifying the suppliers who are qualified to progress to the next stage of this procurement, tender.

Any questions about this procurement, including if you experience any difficulties when downloading the PQQ or have any questions about the process, must be submitted through the correspondence facility in In-Tend and not emailed directly to any person within the University of Cambridge or by telephone.

VI.4) Procedures for review

VI.4.1) Review body




VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice



Commodity categories

ID Title Parent category
50000000 Repair and maintenance services Other Services
71600000 Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
45232430 Water-treatment work Ancillary works for pipelines and cables

Delivery locations

ID Description
100 UK - All

Alert region restrictions

The buyer has restricted the alert for this notice to suppliers based in the following regions.

ID Description
There are no alert restrictions for this notice.

About the buyer

Main contact:
Admin contact:
Technical contact:
Other contact:

Further information

Date Details
No further information has been uploaded.

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