Description of the goods or services required
Public Health Wales are looking for suitably qualified creative development agencies to submit proposals to develop video assets that will be used as a training aid to support health professionals to have brief meaningful conversations with smokers to facilitate a referral to the Help Me Quit program for further support.
Further information on the requirements can be found within the detailed specification and appendices attached as part of this Invitation To Tender (ITT).
Public Health Wales recognises the importance of the Welsh language to the communities it serves. Consequently, responses to an invitation to quote or tender will be accepted in Welsh as well as English. However, please note that tender responses submitted only in Welsh will be translated by the Health Board into English before consideration. Those involved in translating the document will be barred from taking decisions on awarding tenders.
The tender will be awarded to the most economically advantageous tender based on 40% quality and 60% cost as detailed in the ITT document.
Please note that the tender closing date is 16/06/2023 at midday and any late submissions will not be considered.
The etenderwales bravosolution ref: project_54954 and itt_107187.
Please direct all queries relating to this tender via the messaging function of the Bravo portal.
More details can be found at
NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at