II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)
II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code:
Main site or place of performance:
II.2.4) Description of the procurement
The scope of this tender includes the following:
Online health screening (teacher education, health and social care students only)
It is a course offer/enrolment requirement for all teacher education, health and social care courses that applicants have completed an online health screening questionnaire.
OH service are responsible for ensuring that the health screening questionnaire is fit for purpose and made accessible to students/applicants online.
Following receipt of completed online health screening questionnaire directly from applicants, OH service must:-
• make a medical judgement regarding the suitability of the applicant to undertake their course, taking into account the nature of the professional role to which the course leads
• provide information on the rationale for the medical judgement and details of any reasonable adjustments which could be put in place.
• provide clear outcome:
suitable to commence training with no reservations;
only suitable to commence training on the professional course under certain conditions/restrictions and/or if specified reasonable adjustments are able to be implemented;
not suitable to commence training with clear and detailed reasons for the decision.
As part of this process, it may be necessary to undertake a bio-psychosocial assessment of suitability before a clear outcome is reached.
The Supplier Portal and system requirements for the online health screening process includes:
• online form completion by applicants/students
• online tracking of clearance outcome by applicants/students and University
• online tracking of any necessary bio-psychosocial assessments required
• system compliance with GDPR legislation
• ability to transfer clearance outcomes to University systems, preferably using modern integration methods
• ability to view live data, preferably with the facility to manipulate and download filtered data, or provide progress reports as required.
Provision of immunisation/vaccinations (health care students only)
It is a requirement for all health care students to have the necessary immunisations to ensure they are protected against occupationally acquired illness in order to attend placement.
OH service must ensure that applicants/students provide evidence that they have received the necessary vaccinations required for working in health care settings as per the stipulations set out in the Department of Health 'Green Book'.
Where applicants/students do not have evidence of the required vaccinations, OH must provide blood screening and/or vaccination programme to ensure that students reach appropriate immunisation clearance in accordance with the University's timeline for commencement of placement.
Once applicants/students have been confirmed as suitable based on the online health screening process, they must undertake the appropriate programme of vaccinations in preparation for their first placement.
Each applicant/student must have an initial medical appointment at which OH service take blood for screening, discuss vaccination requirements and any other individual needs/concerns.
Medical appointments are currently carried out during "clinics" which are held on University premises (or at the OH service premises for ad hoc cases as appropriate). University and OH service agree schedule of clinic dates.
The Supplier Portal and systems requirements for the online immunisation/vaccination programme includes:
• online tracking of immunisation status by applicants/students and University
• online booking of appointments for applicants/students with automated reminders
• system compliance with GDPR legislation
• ability to transfer clearance outcomes to University systems, preferably using modern integration methods
• ability to view live data, preferably with the facility to manipulate and download filtered data, or provide progress reports as required.
Bio-psychosocial assessments (suitability, fitness to practise, capability)
OH service to arrange for applicant/student to undergo an assessment with the most relevant health professional.
OH service to facilitate a process for applicants/students to challenge the outcome of a bio-psychosocial assessment.
Suitability assessments
If applicant/student is not initially passed as suitable based on the online health screening questionnaire, OH service must liaise directly with the applicant/student to arrange a follow up appointment. This can be a telephone appointment or a face-to-face appointment with an OH practitioner as deemed appropriate by the OH service.
The reason for the follow up appointment must be transparent to the applicant/student and appointments agreed directly between the OH service and the applicant/student.
Where clinical information is required from other health services (e.g. GP, consultant, other health or social care professional), OH service must obtain consent directly from the applicant/student and obtain the appropriate clinical information.
Any refusal to give consent must be reported by the OH service to the University.
The applicant/student and the University must be provided with a clear OH outcome report of the assessment:
• suitable/fit to commence training with no reservations;
• only suitable/fit to commence training under certain conditions/restrictions and/or if specified reasonable adjustments are able to be implemented;
• not suitable/fit to commence training with clear and detailed reasons for the decision.
Fitness to practice/continued suitability assessments
Referrals to the OH service can be made by the University on an ad hoc basis where there are concerns that students have not maintained the level of health required to continue on a teacher education, health or social care course and/or their health is impacting on their ability to engage with the professional requirements of the course.
These referrals can be as a result of:
• a new health condition diagnosed by a health practitioner
• a change in an existing health condition
• a student returning from a break in study taken due to medical reasons and a reassessment of suitability is required
• referral to the University Fitness to Practice process.
On receipt of the referral from the University, the OH service must liaise directly with the student to arrange an appointment. This can be a telephone appointment or a face-to-face appointment with an OH practitioner as deemed appropriate by the OH service.
Where clinical information is required from other health services (e.g. GP, consultant, other health or social care professional), OH service must obtain consent directly from the student and obtain the appropriate clinical information.
Any refusal to give consent must be reported by the OH service to the University immediately.
The student and the University must be provided with a clear OH outcome report of the assessment:
• suitable/fit to undertake placement and/or academic studies with no reservations;
• only suitable/fit to undertake placement and/or academic studies under certain conditions/restrictions and/or if specified reasonable adjustments are able to be implemented;
• not suitable/fit to undertake placement and/or academic studies with clear and detailed reasons for the decision.
Capability assessments
Referrals to the OH service can be made by the University on an ad hoc basis where there are concerns that a student (on any course) is incapable of independent living and managing their own health conditions.
Concerns may arise where the support requirements of a student are impacting negatively on other students and/or staff.
Purpose of referral is for OH service to provide medical opinion regarding support and/or adjustments students might require to independently live and manage their own health conditions whilst attending University.
On receipt of the referral from the University, the OH service must liaise directly with the student to arrange an appointment. This can be a telephone appointment or a face-to-face appointment with an OH practitioner as deemed appropriate by the OH service.
Where clinical information is required from other health services (e.g. GP, consultant, other health or social care professional), OH service must obtain consent directly from the student and obtain the appropriate clinical information.
Any refusal to give consent must be reported by the OH service to the University.
The student and the University must be provided with a clear OH outcome report of the assessment:
• capable of independent living and able to manage own health conditions with no reservations;
• only capable of independent living and able to manage own health conditions if specified reasonable adjustments are able to be implemented;
• not capable of independent living or able to manage own health conditions.
Further details about this tender can be found within the ITT on In-Tend at https://in-tendhost.co.uk/sheffieldhallamuniversity.
II.2.5) Award criteria
Criteria below:
Quality criterion: Health screening results
/ Weighting: 2%
Quality criterion: Student Clearance
/ Weighting: 9%
Quality criterion: Fulfilling our requirements
/ Weighting: 7%
Quality criterion: Improvements building on previous experience/knowledge
/ Weighting: 5%
Quality criterion: Online system
/ Weighting: 7%
Quality criterion: Continuous improvement
/ Weighting: 2%
Quality criterion: Transition and Implementation
/ Weighting: 2.5%
Quality criterion: End of Contract and transfer of data
/ Weighting: 2.5%
Quality criterion: KPIs/SLAs
/ Weighting: 9%
Quality criterion: Complains procedures
/ Weighting: 2%
Quality criterion: Clinics
/ Weighting: 7%
Quality criterion: Unforeseen circumstances
/ Weighting: 5%
/ Weighting:
II.2.6) Estimated value
Value excluding VAT:
2 666 667.00
II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 96
This contract is subject to renewal: Yes
Description of renewals:
The contract is expected to commence on the 1 April 2024, initially for a period of 2 years. There is a further possibility of 3 x 2-year extension periods.
II.2.9) Information about the limits on the number of candidates to be invited
II.2.10) Information about variants
Variants will be accepted:
II.2.11) Information about options
Description of options:
The contract is expected to commence on the 1 April 2024, initially for a period of 2 years. There is a further possibility of 3 x 2-year extension periods.
II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: