Short description of the contract or purchase(s)
The successful tenderer will be required to provide cleaning services to the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service.
The work specified within this tender is a single lot contract and all tenderers should be informed that it should be tendered as a single contract.
The current contract value is circa 250 000 GBP and the tender evaluation will be based on Value for Money (MEAT)and not just the lowest price.
1. North Wales Fire and Rescue Service was formed in 1996 through the amalgamation of the former Welsh Brigades. It covers an area of nearly 2 400 square miles and serves a population of just over 678 461 people including hundreds of thousands of visitors and tourists per year. The area of North Wales is made up of rural, coastal and urban areas. The Service operates from some 52 stations and various office sites and employs some 1000 personnel including Wholetime Firefighters, Firefighters on the Retained Duty System, Fire Control staff, and non-uniformed support staff.
The Service covers the five unitary authority areas of Denbighshire, Conwy, Flintshire, Wrexham and Gwynedd (Anglesey) and the Service Headquarters is located in St Asaph.
The split of stations is illustrated below:
3 Day Crewed;
1 Training Centre;
17 Retained.
1 Wholetime;
1 Day Crewed;
6 Retained.
1 Wholetime;
6 Retained.
1 Wholetime;
4 Retained;
1 Leased building.
1 Wholetime;
2 Retained;
1 CSO;
Others including Rhyl and HQ: 6.
2. Tenders will be requested to include a fixed cost per fire service site (Manned and Fulltime) and a separate cost for all retained stations to cover the contract period 1.4.2015 to 31.3.2018 (with an option to extend up to 24 months based on acceptable performance).
3. During the term of the contract there may be a need to add or delete sites should new stations be built, added or closed. The successful supplier will be notified of any changes with three months notice of opening / closure.
4. On occasion there may be a requirement for one-off cleans to cover instances such as open days, community events, etc. These will be quoted as additional to this contract as and when required to be agreed with the service contract manager.
5. In line with the Services refurbishment programme there will be instances when building works will affect the requirement for cleaning at some stations. 3 months' notice will be provided for any change in requirement.
6. Each full time station will require a 5-day clean, Monday to Friday in accordance with the frequencies, standards and description of tasks as set out in the cleaning specification. At full time stations muster rooms are excluded from the contract, but all other areas are to be included unless stated otherwise.
7. Each part time (retained) station will require a once a week clean to the same cleaning standards and tasks but reduced frequencies.
8. At Fire Service Headquarters 5-day clean will be required, Monday to Friday in accordance with the frequencies, standards and description of tasks as set out in the attached cleaning specification.
9. Cleaners on fire service sites must sign the visitor's book as a record of attendance on site. All cleaning should be undertaken during the times specified within the tender documentation.
10. The successful tenderer will be required to arrange a site meeting with the Station Manager / Watch Manager / Officer in Charge during the period of the contract to review the standards on site. The site contact will rate the standard of cleaning as either Exceptional, Acceptable or Unacceptable. The frequency of meeting will be dependant on the type of station to be agreed at pre-contract stage. The inspection to be recorded and reported to the Facilities Manager at FSHQ. To aid with the inspection use should be made of the Quality Control-Acceptable Cleaning Standards form as at attachment Appendix E.
11. Where there is an absence of the regular cleaner on site the contractor to arrange a relief cleaner within 24 hours.
12. All electrical equipment must confirm to IEE regulations and PAT tested.
13. The successful tenderer will be required to attend quarterly monitoring meetings with the Fire Service contact. The meetings will provide a forum for monitoring performance, discussing problem areas, resolving complaints and establishing action points to enhance service provision.
14. The successful tenderer will ensure that following the commencement date all salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses and holiday pay of the relevant employees are paid and discharged and that no substantial or significant change is made to the working conditions of the relevant employees.
15. The contractor must designate one person as a point of contact who is able to deal with all aspects of this contract.
16. The successful tenderers must have sufficient workforce capacity and geographical knowledge to cover the area indicated on the schedule of rates.
17. Invoices will be submitted for approval to the contract above on a 4 weekly basis.
18. The successful tenderer/s will provide the service in accordance with the service details.
19. The successful tenderer will be required to provide, carry out, execute and complete the service with skill, care and diligence. Failure to provide the level of service expected will result in proceedings being taken.
20. The successful tenderer will be required to provide all materials and equipment required in and for the provision of the service. The Fire Service will provide bin bags, toilet rolls, hand towels and air fresheners.
21. The successful tenderer will be required as may be necessary or desirable, to co-operate, liaise with and co-ordinate its activities with the Fire and Rescue Service contact.
22. The successful tenderer will not make any material alteration or addition to or omission from the services without the written agreement of the Services Facilities / Operations Manager.
23. The successful tendered will employ sufficient persons to ensure that the services are provided in accordance with this agreement and use reasonable endeavours to ensure that employees, staff and personnel employed in or about the provision of the services are properly and sufficiently qualified, competent, skilled, honest and experienced, and are properly and sufficiently instructed and supervised with regard to the provision of the service.
24. The Contractor will be required to produce Method of Work Statements and COSHH information at the commencement of the contract and ensure that these are updated at least on an annual basis.
25. The Contractor will be required to provide a list of names and locations of operatives and update any changes immediately.