Description of the goods or services required
The Contractor must deliver the Services, as set out in the specification, for patients for fifty two (52) weeks
of the year on the following days and during the following times for patients in Merthyr Tydfil and Cynon
• Saturdays and Sundays - between the hours of 9:00-21:00; and
• All bank holidays - between the hours of 09:00-21:00
The Contractor must deliver the Services, as set out in the specification, for patients for fifty two (52) weeks
of the year on the following days and during the following times for patients in Bridgend:-
• Saturdays - between the hours of 9:00-21:00; and
• All bank holidays - between the hours of 09:00-21:00 and
The Contractor will be expected to deliver four face-to-face appointments per hour and to provide sufficient
appointment capacity to meet this demand. Providing a minimum number of appointments of fifteen
minutes duration per hour.
NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at