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Frequently Asked Questions


Sell2Wales is the national advertising portal where Welsh public sector organisations post their contract opportunities. Both public Notices and invitation-only Notices (Quick Quotes) are issued by Buyers through the website.

All Welsh public sector organisations are actively encouraged to use the website as their main tool for advertising contract notices. Prime contractors on public contracts are encouraged to use the website to publish their sub-contract opportunities.

No. Sell2Wales is provided by the Welsh Government and is free to use for both Buyers and Suppliers.

No, Suppliers from any member state of the World Trade Organisation can register on the website. The following link provides a list of countries in the World Trade Organisation:

Sell2Wales does not currently have the capability to provide in depth business analysis or financial probity check information. The system does however validate the email addresses of Suppliers on behalf of Buyers.

Users of Sell2Wales should contact the Website Support Desk. Please either use the telephone number or the ‘Contact Us’ option at the top of the screen.

Categories are used by Buyers to classify each Notice. This filters all published Notices for both the Email Alerts facility and for the 'Search Contracts' facility.

Please see the link from the menu Help and Resources > Help and resources for Buyers > Procurement resources

Information published on Sell2Wales is accessible to all. This means that anyone can access the website and browse and print off details of the notice. A person must be registered on the website and record their interest in the relevant Notice to be able to access documents attached to that Notice. Buyers should therefore encourage their Suppliers to register to the website.

Quick Quote is an online request for quotation facility. It is used to obtain quotes for low value/low risk procurement exercises or run mini competitions within a framework agreement. Only the individual Supplier account selected to quote can access the details of the quote and submit a response. This means that a Supplier must log in with the same email address that was invited; a colleague's details will not work. Once registered on Sell2Wales, any Supplier can be invited to quote by a Buyer. To enhance a Supplier’s chances of being invited to quote you can complete your 'Supplier Finder' profile. Please see the relevant user guide: Help & Resources > User Guides:

The Supplier Finder profile is a facility which acts as a business card on the website for suppliers. Suppliers can fill in their company details, using the key word feature to describe their business or service. Buyers can search by these key words to find Suppliers carrying out the service or work they wish to invite to quotes. To use the Supplier Finder please see the 'Supplier Finder' guide from the 'Help & Resources' section:

Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) category codes are used to classify Notices when they are to be placed in the Find a Tender Service (FTS) / Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).

N.B. this answer only applies to Notices where the Buyer has activated the Q&A function at time of creating the notice. For Buyer, these can be viewed indefinitely via the link for Q&A accessed via the Buyers Published Notice List, Buyers Control Panel > Notices Buyers Published Notices. For Supplier, Q&As are only accessible to those Suppliers who have recorded an interest in the Notice. Question & Answers can be found in the Q&A tab of your Notice, if provided.

Notices are not removed from the website. Notices are always visible to Suppliers but after certain points, Notices are marked as Archived. Documents are not available to new Suppliers after a Notice's closing date. If you are looking for any Notice which may be Expired/Archived in the 'Search Contracts' facility, please tick the box beside 'Include Archived Contracts?'. Similarly under the Buyers Published Notice List the Authorities notices will always be in date order of publication, with their attached documents and any Postbox submissions also available. Contract Notices are archived 30 days after their closing date. Prior Information Notices/Speculative Notices (PIN's) are marked as 'Current' for a year Award Notices are archived 30 days after they are published.

If you no longer want to be registered on Sell2Wales please use the 'Contact Us' facility at the top of the page to request that your account is expired.

If you no longer want to receive Newsletters from Sell2Wales please update your preferences through 'Subscriptions' under the 'My Account' heading on your control panel (found through 'My Account' on the menu bar).

Access levels are allocated to a Buyer User by your Buying Organisation's Controller/s, depending on the role you are performing within your Organisation. Please contact your Organisation Controller/s if you believe that you do not have the necessary access levels. Buyer User: has read-only access to Buyers’ areas of the site. Editor: can create and edit FTS/OJEU and sub-threshold (site) notices but requires an FTS/OJEU Publisher/Publisher to sign these off for publication. Publisher: can publish sub-threshold (site) notices. Controller: oversees the administration of Buyer details, access levels, notices and Buyer profile. FTS Publisher: can publish FTS notices. Postbox Opener: ability to be selected to unlock the postbox for FTS/OJEU and sub-threshold (site) notices. Reporter: can access and generate statistical reports. Quick Quote Editor: can create and edit Quick Quotes but requires a Quick Quote Publisher to sign these off for distribution. Quick Quote Publisher: can publish Quick Quotes.

Click on the 'Sign in' at the top of the page, then Select 'Register as a Buyer' and find your organisation using the 'Search for an existing buyer organisation' box. - If you locate your Buying Organisation, click on its name and fill out the form on the following page. An email is sent to your Buying Organisation Controllers so that they can assign you access. - If you cannot locate your Buying Organisation, use the 'Enter a new buying organisation' box to register a new Buying Organisation. On the following page, please fill out the form and 'Submit'. An email is sent to the Support Desk to start the process of creating a new Buying Organisation on the website.

All Notices submitted through Sell2Wales before 4pm on Monday to Friday will be processed on the same day unless clarifications or changes are required from the Buyer. After the website support team have reviewed your Notice it will be dispatched for publication. Site Notices will appear on the website directly. Please note that FTS and OJEU Notices are held from national publication for 48 hours - in accordance with FTS and OJEU requirements (this does not affect your timescales). FTS and OJEU Notices should be published on FTS or OJEU within 5 working days of dispatch. When your FTS or OJEU Notice is published you will receive email confirmation with the FTS or OJEU reference number.

The overall limit is 100MB per Notice, individual file size limit is also 100MB. N.B. Supplier responses are limited to 30MB in total and 10MB per file. Suppliers can make more than one submission, so long as the deadline has not passed, but please take this into account when creating documents that you wish for them to respond with.

Yes, when viewing a Notice, the Buyer would select 'View Questions and Answers'. There is an option to 'Download' Questions and Answers, if applicable.

All FTS, OJEU and website notices (sub threshold) will appear on the Buying Organisation’s Control Panel and can also be found using the ‘Search Contracts’ facility. If submitting an FTS or OJEU form, the Notice will also be forwarded for publication. Sell2Wales is an openly accessible website allowing individuals the opportunity to browse Notices without the need to register. However, in order for a Supplier to express interest in an opportunity, Suppliers must first register on the website.

This has to be carried out by a Controller. From the Buyer Control Panel, select 'Agents' (listed on the Organisation section of the control panel). If your organisation does not have a Controller or you want the website site support to set up a company or organisation as an agent on your behalf, please contact the help desk.

Yes. Please see the “Buyer Quick Quote” User Guide from the help section of the Buyer Control Panel:

No, Suppliers must be registered on Sell2Wales in order to be invited to participate in a Quick Quote. Buyers should ensure that all Suppliers who they do regular business with are registered on Sell2Wales.

If you have been informed that a Supplier is on the website please search in the following manner: - if using the 'Supplier Search' options, please use the 'Search by Details' option. Amend the criteria as applicable. - At the distribution stage, please use the 'Matching Suppliers' tab, tick the 'Exclude Commodity Categories', and search for the company name. This opens the search to all Suppliers on the website. Whilst useful for finding Suppliers based on their Keywords and services, the Supplier Finder search is best not to be used at this stage. If you continue to be unable to find a Supplier, please contact the Support Desk.

If a Contract Notice was published on Sell2Wales, please use the 'Award' option on your Contract Notice. This will populate the Award Notice with relevant details from the Contract Notice. Carefully review the notice to check it is correct and then add the information on the supplier(s) who have been awarded the contract before submitting it for publication. It is crucial that you do this in order for a link to be made between the Contract Notice and Contract Award Notice as this action determines the list of outstanding Contract Award Notices that your organisation are responsible for. Failure to do this will result in you being chased to create Award Notices. If your Contract Notice was not published on Sell2Wales, you will need to create a new Contract Award Notice through the Buyer Control Panel > Create Notice option. You will need to fill out all fields as normal.

In FTS/OJEU it is a required field to comply with the UK / EU Regulations. This information is considered of reasonable public Interest given that public funds are employed in the financing of the tender. The compilation of statistics by Government, Welsh and Central, on the level of expenditure of public funds is greatly improved with the amounts being displayed in the award notices. While below threshold notices are not subject to UK/EU regulations the principles of publishing award notices with the amount recorded are equally valid.

Yes it can. This is done on your Contract Award Notice - NOT your Contract Notice - using the 'Cancel' option, beside where the Notice deadline details ordinarily are placed. It is suggested Contract Award Notices not be issued until a contract has been signed.

If your Buying Organisation does not have a Controller, or you want the website site support to set up a company or organisation as an agent on your behalf, please contact the help desk.

You can search for Suppliers using the CPV Codes that they have chosen in their Alerts profile. To do this, please click on 'Buyers' from the menu bar, 'Search by Category' in the 'Supplier Search' box, and then work your way through the Categories to your Code. You will then find a list of Suppliers who have specified those Categories. Another method of doing this would be to add the CPV Code to the end of this link: For example: CPV Code = 03140000

You can find additional resources on the Find a Tender Service on the Sell2Wales help and resource section. Please see the link from the menu Help and Resources > EU transition: new rules for 2021.

If a procurement procedure has been launched before the end of the Transition Period but it has not been finalised (i.e. not awarded), the requirement to publish notices to the OJEU will continue to apply after the end of the Transition Period. However, any notices for these procurements that are published after the end of the Transition Period will be placed in both the OJEU and FTS and will be done automatically by Sell2Wales.

The Find a Tender Service (FTS) was developed as a replacement e-notification system to replace the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) and Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) at the end of the EU transition period. The Find a Tender Service went live on the 1 January 2021.

FTS service will be available in English and Welsh. As a result Sell2Wales buyers will be able to create FTS Notices on the Welsh version of the Sell2Wales Portal, with all the menus and other static content of the site will be available in Welsh when using the FTS Notice creation element. When using the Welsh version of the Portal to complete this process, buyers will have to include the English text alongside the Welsh text (in the same box) and vice versa if they choose to use the English version of the Portal and wish to include Welsh content. The notices will then be sent to the FTS for submission following the same process as is used now for OJEU submissions. When the Notice has been published on FTS, the buyer will get an email notification.

Sell2Wales will continue to function in a similar way as it does now. However, there will be some terminology changes on the portal to reflect changes to public procurement after the end of the Transition Period. Another change will be in the ‘Search Contracts’ page, Sell2Wales will be introducing a Welsh flag icon which will appear for contracts published on Sell2Wales below the procurement threshold, replacing the current UK flag icon. The UK flag icon will now be used for contracts representing an above procurement threshold notice published to FTS. For notices published to OJEU / Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) they will retain the EU flag icon.

Yes, you are required to register through SOC to access the Sell2Wales service.

To amend your details login to Sell2Wales and go to your profile tabs via the dashboard.

If you don’t know your DUNS number, leave the text box blank and click Look Up. If you are still unable to find your DUNS number you can use the tick box to bypass this section and update at a later date.

From the SOC log in page click 'Forgot your password' link.

You will be able to access all relevant information from the SOC portal once it goes live, the SOC portal is the management tool for all SOC subscriptions and core information. The SOC portal will go live this year (2019), further information will be sent out once the portal has been released.

• Go to the Sell2Wales homepage ( • Click Free registration - You will be transferred to the SOC information page. • Click on Proceed to sign on / Register - You will be transferred to the SOC interface page • Click on the “Don't have an account? Sign up now” link. • Enter an email address which you wish to use to register on Sell2Wales. • Click Send verification code. • A verification code will be sent to your email address • Enter the received code in the verification code field on the SOC form. • Click Verify code • Enter your new password and confirm this in the second field. • Click Create, you will then be transferred to your initial registration page. • Click Register as a Supplier, Buyer, Buyer-contractor or Grant Funded Buyer. • Please complete all mandatory fields and click Submit registration

You can request for your details to be removed by contacting the helpdesk, your rights for data protection are available in the Sell2wales Privacy Notice. Your request will then be sent to our team to confirm we're able to remove your details in accordance with Welsh Government information management and governance policy. You will get a response via email.

From the Sell2Wales homepage click on the 'Free registration' button on the service you wish to sign up to.

If you create a SOC account without completing a registration your SOC account is automatically deactivated within 48 hours to comply with GDPR.

For any queries or issues on the SOC Portal please use the contact us link below or alternatively you can call us on the Sell2Wales Helpline number 0800 222 9004.

This will require you to make a new Sell2Wales account which will link to your existing SOC account. • Go to the Sell2Wales homepage ( • Click Free registration - You will be transferred to the SOC information page. • Click on Proceed to sign on / Register - You will be transferred to the SOC interface page • Enter your existing SOC details (Email and Password), Click Login. • Please complete all mandatory fields and save, you will then be transferred to the Sell2Wales control panel. – Existing information from your SOC account will be pulled through into your new Sell2Wales profile.

If you already have a SOC account with one of the Business Wales digital services such as BOSS or Stakeholder Register. You will be able to log into the Sell2Wales SOC account, however if your email address does not match the records on Sell2Wales, your existing Sell2Wales information will not be pulled through and a new Sell2Wales account will be made. If you wish to change your Sell2Wales email address, you will be required to contact the Sell2Wales helpline on – 0800 222 9004.

If you already have a SOC account with one of the Business Wales digital services such as BOSS or Stakeholder Register, you will be able to log into the Sell2Wales SOC as long as your accounts share the same email address. This will link your SOC and Sell2Wales account together, auto populating information from both services into your Sell2Wales SOC account. Process: • Go to the Sell2Wales homepage ( • Click Login - You will be transferred to the SOC information page. • Click on Proceed to sign on / Register - You will be transferred to the SOC interface page • Enter your existing SOC details (Email and Password), Click Login. • Please complete all mandatory fields and save, you will then be transferred to the Sell2Wales control panel.

The Dun & Bradstreet D‑U‑N‑S Number is a unique nine-digit identifier for businesses. Find out more here -

SOC is a single sign on functionality and it is used to log in to Business Wales online applications. SOC is used on various Business Wales services.

Currently the services available through SOC are Sell2Wales, BOSS (Business Online Support Service), Stakeholder Register and Farming Connect. The Business Wales Event Finder is currently in the pipeline to join the SOC service.

You can find the Sell2Wales Privacy notices 'here'

Supplier Finder is a supplier sourcing directory allowing you to advertise your company on the website. It allows you to provide detailed information regarding the products or services you provide. Some of the benefits you get from updating your profile include: • Buyers can now easily find your company via the Supplier Finder search tool. • You can provide keywords which specifically highlight the products or services provided by your company. These keywords are searchable. • The service improves your chances of receiving a direct invitation to quote from Buyers using "Quick Quote". You can edit your Supplier Finder Profile anytime in your control panel.

Your alerts profile will allow you to receive email alerts and notifications for contract opportunities that are relevant to your business ensuring you make the most out of Sell2Wales. The first section of the alerts profile will require you to enter product categories that are relevant to your business. This will narrow the contract opportunities been shown, only showing contracts relevant to you. The second section will ask you for geographical locations, this will be used to filter contract opportunities by geographic area, only showing contracts where you are willing to work. You can edit your Alerts Profile anytime in your control panel.

The SPD is a self-declaration of a potential supplier’s' financial status, abilities and suitability for a public procurement procedure. It mainly serves as preliminary evidence of fulfilment of the conditions required in a public procurement procedure. Bidders will no longer have to provide full documentary evidence and different forms previously used in UK procurement, which means a significant simplification of the tendering process. The SPD will replace the requirement for suppliers to provide up-front evidence or certificates by allowing them to self-declare that they meet the relevant selection and exclusion criteria. Bidders may be asked to provide proof of this at a later stage and the winning bidder will usually have to provide proof before contract award.

Buyers will set out their selection and exclusion criteria, including any minimum standards and methods for short-listing in their contract notice. They will then issue an SPD request and make it available for anyone interested in bidding for the contract. Bidders will complete and submit their SPD response to the buyer, who will assess the suitability of all bids against the criteria they have selected.

The SPD will offer an alternative to the selection questionnaire, and should make the process of bidding for a public contract easier. Its purpose is to remove some of the barriers to participation in public procurement, particularly for SMEs who often don’t have the resources (time/money) to complete complex tender documents. The Selection Questionnaire method was popular because buyers tended to ask questions in the same, or similar, ways. The SPD will actually build upon this as the same standard form is now being used across UK.

The same question set will be used across the UK, so a bidder will be able to re-use a form which was previously submitted for a separate competition, so long as the information is still up-to-date. However, every time a supplier submits a bid, an SPD request will have to be submitted as well. It will be in the supplier’s interest to configure each SPD to suit the requirements of that individual procurement exercise.

By law, a winning bidder has to submit all of the required certificates and documentation, before they are awarded a contract. Bidders can be asked to submit their evidence at any point in the procurement process if this is necessary to ensure that the process is carried out properly. If a bidder is found to have misrepresented itself, a couple of things can happen, depending on the nature of the misrepresentation: - If a bidder is in breach of one of the areas which is a mandatory ground for exclusion, or if it does not meet one of the minimum selection criteria, then that bidder must be excluded from the competition. Depending on the nature and stage of the competition, that may mean either that it continues without that particular bidder, or the competition should be re-run without that bidder’s tender. - If it emerges that a business is in breach of an area which is a discretionary ground for exclusion, then the decision about whether or not to exclude that bidder will be up to the buying authority. If the issue is more administrative in nature (e.g. mistakes in providing the documentation), then the authority will have the option of inviting the bidder to make amendments to, or clarify the documentation provided.

If a bidder wishes to sub-contract part of a contract, and relies entirely on the sub-contractor in order to fulfil the selection criteria, a separate SPD must be submitted on behalf of the sub-contractor. The buying authority may choose to request a separate SPD from any other sub-contractor, in order to verify whether or not there are grounds for excluding it. If a sub-contractor is in a situation which would lead to its mandatory exclusion, the bidder will be required to replace that sub-contractor. It’s really important the suppliers plan for this scenario early in the process by engaging with sub-contractors and obtaining information early on during the procurement process.

Yes: Suppliers can set up an email Alert Profile by selecting Categories and Locations relevant to their business. The Alert Profile can be created by selecting ‘Alert Profile’ under the 'My Profile' section of the Supplier Control Panel. Once an Alert Profile has been set up, Suppliers will receive an email every time a Notice is published which matches their Categories and Locations. Accurately selecting the relevant Categories that your Buyer/s uses will result accurate Alerts.

Yes. Once you have expressed your interest in a Notice, you would select the ‘Documents’ tab. From here it is possible to either download the documents individually, or all documents attached to the Notice by selecting ‘download all current documents (Zip File)’.

Suppliers see any Additional Information added after the publication of a Notice by selecting the 'Further Info' tab of the Notice.

Please use the 'Search Contracts' facility on the menu bar. There you can filter your search criteria in various ways. Reference Numbers come in the form of 'JAN123456'. If you have been provided a different reference, please search using other filters or contact the Support Desk. If you know the Buyer that has issued a Notice, please use 'Search Buyers' on the menu bar to look up their Buyer Profile and to view the associated Notices.

Individual files should be no larger than 10MB in size, with a combined limit of 30MB per response. There is no limit to the number of documents that can be attached to a response, providing that they are below 30MB.

Please ensure that your file is less than the 10MB individual limit and does not make your Response exceed 30MB in total. If this is the case, please split the file. If it exceeds the 30MB total, please Dispatch your response and Create a new response to upload your additional documents to. Please ensure you are uploading your file/s from your Desktop as this will ensure faster uploading. Please ensure that your file name has no special characters in it, e.g. _ - ( ) , " £ &. This may stop your upload. Please ensure that you do not have your document open on your computer. This would block a successful upload.

If there is no Postbox available on the tender you would refer to the ‘Full Notice Text’ tab to see where completed documents should be returned to. This would ordinarily be detailed in Section 1 of the Full Text.

By registering on the website, you are available to be invited to Quick Quotes. To improve your chances of being included in a Quick Quote, please fill out your Supplier Finder Profile. Please note: as Quick Quotes are invitation-only, being registered does not guarantee you an invite to a Quick Quote.

All Supplier accounts on Sell2Wales are individual and only the individual Supplier accounts selected to quote can access the details of the quote and submit a response. This means that a Supplier must log in with the same email address that was invited; if the invitation was sent to a colleague, you would need to log in with their details. The link contained within the email notifying of a Quick Quote invitation will only work if the log in of the invited party is used.

If the Supplier name is known to the Buyer, they should search for you using the 'Matching Suppliers' tab on their Distribute Quick Quote page. They would tick the 'Exclude Commodity Categories' box to find you. You can help them find you, by filling out your Supplier Finder Profile too. If they continue to be unable to find you, and you are sure you are registered on the website, please refer them to the Support Desk.

When the Quick Quote has been awarded, all parties will receive a system generated email indicating whether or not they have been successful or unsuccessful. If you have any queries with regard to a particular award please contact your Buyer directly for assistance.

When an Award Notice is created, the system chooses the same Categories that were on the original Notice. When the Contract Award is published, the Alert Emails will be sent to Suppliers whose Alert Profile matches the Notice's parameters. It is possible to search for a Contract Award Notice by looking through your Buyer's profile. This is done through the 'Search Buyers' on the menu bar. You would open the 'Contract Award Notices' tab on their Buyer Profile. The detail of who was awarded a particular contract will be in the tab ‘Full Notice Text’

The postbox is an online Tender submission facility which allows Buyers to receive tender responses from Suppliers in a secure environment. A Notice with a Postbox can be identified by a key symbol displayed alongside the Notice. Responses are submitted to Sell2Wales and held until the deadline for responses has expired. Please see the user guides from the help section of the Supplier Control Panel:

To stop your Notice Alert emails please follow the below instructions: 'My Account' (on the menu bar) > 'My Profile' section > 'Alert Profile'. From here select “Edit your product categories”. On this page you can delete your selected categories. When no Product Categories are selected there will be no Alert emails sent. To stop Newsletters please follow the below link and de-select the “Please indicate if you wish to receive an e-mail newsletter” option: There is the option to amend the registered details - including the email address and name associated with the account - to that of a colleague. This can be done by going to 'My Account' (on the menu bar) > 'My Account' section > 'User Details'. From this page you can amend any details required. All future e-mails will be sent to the new details.

0800 222 9004

Lines are open 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.

We welcome calls in Welsh.