1. Background to the College
Coleg Gwent is one of the largest Colleges in Wales and the UK. Operating from five main campuses the College provides a comprehensive range of general and vocational education and training programmes across all subject areas.
The College enrolled some 19,000 learners in 2015/16. Of these, over 7,000 learners were full-time and approximately 12,000 were part-time (including Community Education and WFA).
The population in the traditional catchment areas served by the College totalled 581,789 in 2015 according to Mid-Year Population Estimates, which equates to almost 19% of the total population of Wales. Based upon these estimates, the College served approximately 3.3% of the population across greater Gwent in 2015/16.
The educational character of the College, as determined by the Corporation, influences the strategic direction of the institution.
To be THE College of choice
Enhancing Life Chances
Educational Excellence
For All