Description of the contract
An award has been made by the Countryside & Wildlife Team of Neath Port Talbot Council to appoint the services of a contractor to conduct ground works and installation on several sites. This groundwork is different per site, as described in the contract specification. It includes removal of large areas of tarmac, using the tarmac to create hibernacula, fence removal/ installation, installing benches & interpretation lecterns, etc.The contractors will also place new porous pathing in the form of stepping stones on some sites.
Project Timescale:-
Contract Specification:-
Site 1. Tollgate Park
Installation of one interpretation panel lectern with integrated bug hotel sourced by council.
Site 2a. Goytre Close
Removal of ~380m2 of tarmac from site, with the creation of a hibernacula mound recycling some of the tarmac, and soil removed for path installation. The rest to be safely removed from site and adhering to Environmental Safety standards.
Installation of one interpretation panel lectern with integrated bug hotel sourced by council.
Porous material stepping stone pathway ~51m to be created around site, the soil removed for this is to be used to cover the hibernacula pile.
The creation of a compost bin with inbuilt bug hotel features for insects and gaps for wildlife such as reptiles.
The installation of a bench made from recycled plastic.
Site 2b. Goytre Close Cemetery
Creation/installation of a standing bug hotel with interpretation panel lectern based of an existing design present at Gnoll Country Park.
Site 3. Talbot Park
Removal of ~721m2 of tarmac from site, with the creation of a bee bank using some tarmac, soil recycled from path creation, and sand. Specifics for the bee bank include creating a crescent shaped mound facing South/South East, with a clifflet created. See appendices.
Porous material stepping stone pathway ~62m to be created around site, the soil removed for this is to be used to create bee bank. Excess to be removed.
Removal and reinstallation of benches on the site.
Installation of one interpretation panel lectern with integrated bug hotel sourced by council.
Site 4. Flowerbed by Civic Centre
Removal of vegetation and ground scraping ready for planting.
Site 5. Crymlyn Park
Installation of lectern panel.