Total quantity or scope of tender
Careers Wales aims to procure psychometric assessments to be made available as part of the CW online provision of services for Working Wales customers and will meet the following requirements.
3.1. Functionality
Ref No. Requirement
1 The assessment tool must provide an online process for the customer to work through, so they reflect on their interests, aptitudes, skills, personality, learning styles and work preferences
2 The tool should provide a robust mapping process that presents findings back to the customer based on the completed assessment on their interests, skills, personality type, work preferences and aptitudes e.g., verbal, numerical, abstract and spatial reasoning and mechanical ability
3 The tool should provide a robust mapping process that presents findings back to the customer based on the completed assessment, with links to potential occupations and courses helping the user think more widely about their career ideas, countering gender stereotyping and promoting non-traditional occupations
4 A copy of the resulting report should be made available to the customer online and available to download and save as a document
5 A copy of the resulting report should be in a version that can be shared digitally by the customer with Careers Wales staff to attach to the customer record on internal systems
6 The solution should two levels of assessment, to suit customer needs and contexts:
- a light touch, shorter, less time-consuming assessment
- a comprehensive assessment, providing more detailed insights
7 The customer should be able to save their data at any time/stage, exit the site and return to continue at any time/stage
8 The assessment tool must be mobile responsive and meet accessibility standards as laid out on the website:
9 The solution should be complete at the point of tendering (as opposed to a product which is developed on behalf of Careers Wales) but must be able to meet the requirements as specified
3.2. Training
Ref No. Requirement
10 Comprehensive training and resources should be made available to Careers Wales advisors, administrators, and management staff to enable them to understand the benefits of the assessment process to customers
We predict approximately 150 CW staff across Wales will require training. Training must be facilitated online and developed in consultation with Careers Wales.
11 Training should include, but not be limited to:
• An opportunity for Careers Wales staff to undertake their own assessments to fully understand the process and benefits to customers
• Support to identify which customers would benefit the most from the psychometric assessment process
• Guidance to enable staff to:
o Identify which level of assessment is most appropriate to individual customer needs
o Provide the customer with access to a test (e.g., by providing a web link, access code, etc.)
o Support customers in the completion of assessments, should assistance be required
o Access, save and interpret results of the assessment
o Access and analyse management information (e.g., utilisation statistics, completion rates, etc.)
• Introduction to training materials and resources
• Other training as required
3.3. Technical
Ref No. Requirement
12 The ability to customise the user interface in English and Welsh as required with Careers Wales branding, Working Wales branding and links to relevant information and resources, etc.
13 The ability to export and transfer data from the chosen solution to Careers Wales IT Systems (via API, batch overnight process, etc.)
14 Assurance that any data captured by the supplier should be processed and stored in the UK in compliance with GDPR regulations and not shared outside the European Economic Area (EEA)
3.4. Company Experience
Ref No. Requirement
15 Careers Wales is looking to partner with an organisation that can demonstrate a proven track record by providing 3 partnership case studies as the lead supplier of online psychometric assessments
3.5. Quality Assurance
Ref No. Requirement
16 Careers Wales is looking to partner with an organisation that can demonstrate high quality services recognised as best practise via relevant accreditations and quality marks, for example The matrix Standard The matrix Standard | Business Accreditation Standard.
3.6. Environment
Ref No. Requirement
17 Careers Wales Embrace Sustainable Development principles in all aspects of procurement to ensure that environmental, social and economic factors are considered. The supplier should demonstrate a commitment to aligning with Careers Wales Environmental Policy and demonstrate their own organisational commitment to sustainability.