Description of the contract
We are seeking to issue a Contract for the provision of External Audit Services.
The scope of work to which this Contract applies covers:
1. The provision of an external audit service for Tai Tarian and any subsidiary, which meets all statutory and regulatory requirements.
2. The provision to management, Audit & Risk Committee and Board of a comprehensive management report on the findings of the audit.
3. Reporting of any failures or weaknesses in internal controls, together with recommendations for remedial action along with any additional improvements to management and the Audit & Risk Committee.
4. Provision of an annual report to the funders of Tai Tarian that the covenant measures which it must measure and report to have been correctly calculated in accordance with the Loan Agreement.
Tenderers must be aware that a detailed Scope of Work (SOW) will be agreed in writing post contract award. This will ensure that the Supplier will be aware of all provisions, milestones, reports, deliverables and end products that are expected to be provided throughout the life of the contract.
Further information can be found in the Invitation to Tender.