Description of the goods or services required
1. Services to be tendered
a. Bridgend County Borough Council’s average levels of investment as at 30 June 2024 were £50.350 million, and tend to be mainly short term cash deposits with banks, DMO, Local Authorities and Money Market Funds – details of investments outstanding at 30 June 2024 are shown in Schedule C. The Council will consider other secure and/or higher yielding asset classes and has a custody account.
b. The current loans outstanding total £96.87m made up of £19.25m LOBO’s and £77.62m PWLB - details of loans outstanding at 30 June 2024 are attached in Schedule B. In addition, the council also has £2.71m of Salix Loans which are interest free.
c. In addition to Schedules B & C mentioned above please also refer to Schedule A - Treasury Management Strategy 24/25. The councils most recent accounts can be found under the following link:
1.1 Advice and Guidance
Advice and assistance in compliance with the CIPFA Code of Practice and Prudential Code on Treasury Management in respect of the Council’s policy and strategy statements and reports made to Cabinet, Council and Governance and Audit Committee.
Updates with regard to any new/changes in legislation and accounting practice e.g. the CIPFA Code of Practice and IFRS for treasury management and the capital finance regime.
Advice and guidance on policies, strategies and reports to include:
o Quarterly reports to Cabinet.
o Half Yearly review/Annual Report and reports to Council.
o Year End Templates e.g. Fair Values, Statement Of Accounts, Financial Instruments disclosures.
Debt management decisions/restructuring advice and guidance.
Investment options/decisions advice and guidance.
Balance Sheet Analysis.
Advice and guidance on treasury management issues and capital financing modelling, including technical and accounting advice.
Description of local authority team allocated for day-to-day contact.
1.2 Treasury Management Policy and Strategy
Template Documents.
Borrowing Strategy advice and guidance including long-term borrowing.
Investment Strategy advice and guidance including recommended investment counterparties, types of investments, sectors, cash and time limits.
Minimum Revenue Provision Policy – advice and review.
Guidance on the calculation and setting of the Council’s Prudential and Treasury Management Indicators as required.
1.3 Capital Strategy
Template Documents.
Capital strategy challenge and advice in relation to long term planning and financing of the strategy.
Review of current Capital Strategy and TMS.
1.4 Credit Worthiness/Credit Ratings
Country and Counterparty Credit worthiness and ratings.
Credit Rating Notifications/Alerts and changes.
Counterparty recommendations including cash and time limits report.
Counterparty recommendations including cash and time limits – additional monthly bespoke lending list report to tie in with Bridgend County Borough Council’s Treasury Management Strategy and specific cash and time limits.
Other information on credit quality.
Availability of Credit Rating Interface for Logotech.
1.5 Training/Technical Seminars/Regional Workshops/Review Meetings
A minimum of 2 free places per training/seminar/workshop event would be required.
1 free on-site training day per annum at Bridgend County Borough Council offices for Members and/or staff.
Review meetings on a three-monthly basis to review the strategy and monitor progress in response to changing economic, political and legislative events to be held either at Bridgend County Borough Council offices or virtually, with at least one in person meeting, to be mutually agreed.
1.6 Performance Measurement/Benchmarking
Assist in the monitoring of the Council’s investment portfolio performance.
Interest Rate Risk Analysis.
Monthly Investment Portfolio report.
Benchmarking reports – please confirm if this is over a specified period or at a point in time.
1.7 Experience/Qualifications/References
Please confirm the number of current UK local authority clients (and details of whether they are county/ unitary/ districts or other).
Please provide 4 referees from local authority clients to enable us to take up a reference directly with the contact if required.
Code of Conduct/Standard Terms of Business/Self-Regulation.
Staff Structure for local authority team – Qualifications and Experience.
1.8 Economic Outlook/Forecasts
Economic Updates.
Interest Rate Forecasts.
Market Analysis/Outlook.
1.9 Other Services
Leasing Services e.g. Framework Agreement.
Website Client Access.
Day to day email contact for any Treasury Management specific queries if required.
System Interfaces available.
Market Analysis/Outlook.
NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at