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03 Contract Award Notice - Successful Supplier(s)

Design and Build of the Cardiff Metropolitan University Website

  • First published: 06 June 2023
  • Last modified: 06 June 2023
  • Record interest


  • This file may not be fully accessible.


The buyer is not using this website to administer the notice.

To record your interest or obtain additional information or documents please find instructions within the Full Notice Text. (NOTE: Contract Award Notices and Prior Information Notices do not normally require a response)



Published by:
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Authority ID:
Publication date:
06 June 2023
Deadline date:
Notice type:
03 Contract Award Notice - Successful Supplier(s)
Has documents:
Has SPD:
Has Carbon Reduction Plan:


The University wishes to appoint an organisation to design, build, host and maintain the University’s new web site. We are flexible in our approach and welcome bids from suppliers that are either web designers and would build the site from an open-source CMS and provide design and hosting, or CMS suppliers that would provide the whole solution from the CMS and the design, build to hosting. We aim to launch the new website in summer 2023 and have an estimated budget of circa 365,000.00 GBP inc. vat for the entire project. CPV: 72212783, 48780000, 72413000, 72415000.

Full notice text

Contract award notice

Results of the procurement procedure

Section I: Contracting entity

I.1) Name and addresses

Head of Procurement

Western Avenue




Contact person: Andrea Brooksbank

Telephone: +44 2920417310



Internet address(es)

Main address:

Address of the buyer profile:

I.2) Joint procurement

The contract is awarded by a central purchasing body

I.4) Type of the contracting authority

Body governed by public law

I.5) Main activity


Section II: Object

II.1) Scope of the procurement

II.1.1) Title

Design and Build of the Cardiff Metropolitan University Website

Reference number: ITT/22/22

II.1.2) Main CPV code



II.1.3) Type of contract


II.1.4) Short description

The University wishes to appoint an organisation to design, build, host and maintain the University’s new web site.

We are flexible in our approach and welcome bids from suppliers that are either web designers and would build the site from an open-source CMS and provide design and hosting, or CMS suppliers that would provide the whole solution from the CMS and the design, build to hosting.

We aim to launch the new website in summer 2023 and have an estimated budget of circa 365,000.00 GBP inc. vat for the entire project.

II.1.6) Information about lots

This contract is divided into lots: No

II.1.7) Total value of the procurement

Value excluding VAT: 380 000.00  GBP

II.2) Description

II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)




II.2.3) Place of performance

NUTS code:


II.2.4) Description of the procurement

The University wishes to appoint a supplier to build the entire Cardiff Metropolitan University website. We are seeking a partner that is as passionate about achieving our goals as we are and want to build a strong and flexible working relationship between the service provider and our in-house teams to implement the web build and content strategy together.

The current website runs on Microsoft 2013 and has been in place since 2009. The site has had numerous changes over a 10-year period, consists of over 2000 indexed pages, multiple content editors across the university who create and maintain pages on the website. The site is now outdated and needs replacing and updating.

The new website replacement project will include 3 major work streams,

1 New wireframe and design

2 CMS website build hosting and maintenance

3 Content project including a content strategy plan.

The University is looking to award to a bidder that will provide work for streams 1 and 2 with close collaboration on workstream 3.

The procurement will follow a two stage Restricted process, the first stage is pre-qualification using the Selection Questionnaire (SQ). The SQ is available on the University's etender portal Intend

The closing date and time for return of the completed SQ is 12 noon on the 24th June 2022. It is envisaged that tender documentation will be issued to those suppliers who successfully pre-qualify (5 suppliers) week commencing 4th July 2022.

To access the SQ please register on the Intend etender site, which is free of charge and simply requires some standard contact details. As soon as login details and password are created please login. Select Tenders, Current, the project is the Design and Build of the University's Website, View Details, Express an Interest and the SQ document is in the Selection Stage tab of the project. You may then view the SQ or download. Please return a completed SQ by uploading the document to the site and selecting Submit return by the date and time.

II.2.5) Award criteria

Quality criterion: Technical / Weighting: 75

Cost criterion: cost / Weighting: 25

II.2.11) Information about options

Options: No

II.2.13) Information about European Union funds

The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1) Description

IV.1.1) Type of procedure

Restricted procedure

IV.1.8) Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)

The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Yes

IV.2) Administrative information

IV.2.1) Previous publication concerning this procedure

Notice number in the OJ S:

2022/S 022-121500

Section V: Award of contract

Contract No: 2022/S 000-014240

A contract/lot is awarded: Yes

V.2 Award of contract

V.2.1) Date of conclusion of the contract


V.2.2) Information about tenders

Number of tenders received: 4

Number of tenders received from SMEs: 4

Number of tenders received from tenderers from EU Member States: 1

Number of tenders received from tenderers from non-EU Member States: 0

Number of tenders received by electronic means: 4

The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: No

V.2.3) Name and address of the contractor

Terminalfour Solutions Ltd

Second Floor 110 Amiens Street Dublin 1 Ireland D01 F6N2




Telephone: +44 00000000


The contractor is an SME: Yes

V.2.4) Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT)

Initial estimated total value of the contract/lot:

Total value of the contract/lot: : 380 000.00  GBP

V.2.5) Information about subcontracting

The contract is likely to be subcontracted

Value or proportion likely to be subcontracted to third parties

Proportion: 30 %

Short description of the part of the contract to be subcontracted:

Granite Digital, will be partnering with Terminalfour to deliver the design section of the project.

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.3) Additional information

This is a contract award notice, not a contract opportunity. The contract has been awarded to Terminalfour.

(WA Ref:132124)

VI.4) Procedures for review

VI.4.1) Review body

High Court

Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand




Telephone: +44 2079477501

VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice



Commodity categories

ID Title Parent category
72212783 Content management software development services Programming services of application software
48780000 System, storage and content management software package Software package utilities
72413000 World wide web (www) site design services Provider services
72415000 World wide web (www) site operation host services Provider services

Delivery locations

ID Description
1022 Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan

Alert region restrictions

The buyer has restricted the alert for this notice to suppliers based in the following regions.

ID Description
There are no alert restrictions for this notice.

Document family

Notice details
Publication date:
24 May 2022
Deadline date:
24 June 2022 00:00
Notice type:
02 Contract Notice
Authority name:
Cardiff Metropolitan University
Publication date:
06 June 2023
Notice type:
03 Contract Award Notice - Successful Supplier(s)
Authority name:
Cardiff Metropolitan University

About the buyer

Main contact:
Admin contact:
Technical contact:
Other contact:

Further information

Date Details
No further information has been uploaded.

0800 222 9004

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