Description of the goods or services required
Bridgend County Borough Council (BCBC) invites you to submit a Tender for the provision of Cynffig Comprehensive School – 3G Pitch Installation required by Bridgend County Borough Council (Bridgend CBC).
The Successful Contractor must be Registered and Verified on Constructionline.
This extract of the Specification of Requirements details the scope of works to upgrade unused macadam courts and resurface them with a 3G surface suitable for Football and Rugby (full contact training). The site address is:
Cynffig Comprehensive School
East Avenue
Kenfig Hill
CF33 6NP
The new 3rd Generation MUGA is to be located within the macadam courts to the south-east of the existing School buildings.
Contractors should be aware that the school will be active and open throughout the contract period and as such deliveries during term time should be managed to avoid busy drop off & collection times as a minimum whilst also being considerate of break and lunch times. Bankspersons must be used for all deliveries (access & egress) throughout the contract period.
Planning Permission: At this time, Bridgend CBC do not have the required Planning Permission in place to formally complete the contract, however, this is expected shortly. In order to make the best use of time the delivery of the contract will be conducted in Two (2) Stages as follows:
Stage 1: Prepare the site to include all the ground and electrical works required in preparation for erecting and commissioning the Floodlighting columns.
Stage 2: When Planning Permission is received, erect the floodlighting columns, install the floodlights, test, and commission.
JCT Minor Works Building Contract – 2016 Edition. See Preliminaries document, and Supplementary Contract Conditions applicable to all Bridgend County Borough Council Contracts, separate published documents.
See Tender Documents.
NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at