Additional Information
1. Log in to PROACTIS at
2. If you are already registered on the Proactis portal please Login and start at Step 14 of these instructions if not go to STEP 3
3. Click the “Sign Up” button at the bottom of the window
4. Enter your correct Organisation Name, address and Primary Contact Details. You will need to create the Organisation ID and User Name. If you have a generic email address for your organisation e.g. then please use this as the primary contact email address.
5. Please make a note of the Organisation ID and User Name, then click “Register”
6. You will receive an email asking you to “Click here to activate your account”. This takes you to Enter Organisation Details.
7. Please enter the information requested, click the “>” on the screen and follow the instructions
ensuring that you enter all applicable details.
8. In the Classification screen please ensure that you select the Product Classification Codes (CPV Codes) that appear in the tender notice. Please ensure that the selected codes are relevant to your
business to ensure that you get notification of opportunities that are of interest.
9. In the Buyers screen please select Denbighshire County Council (you may register with other organisations if you wish)
10. In the Primary Contact Details screen please ensure that all information is complete. (Please see note 4 above)
11. Accept the Terms and Conditions and then click “>”. This takes you to the Welcome window.
12. In the Finish screen please enter a new password and note all your Login details for future reference.
13. Now click “Complete Registration” and you will enter the Supplier Network page.
14. On the centre of the screen click “Opportunities”. This will take you to the list of current opportunities available to you.
15. Click the “>” that relates to this notice, this will take you into the PQQ or Tender Request and click “Register Interest”. Note there may be several opportunities that appear on this screen, please
ensure that you select the correct one.
16. In the “Your Opportunities” screen please note the closing time and date for completion of the relevant project. Please review the “Items” tab (Tender stage only) and the Documents tab (PQQ and Tender stages) as there will be information relating to the project held here. The Documents are accessed by clicking the down arrow underneath the General tab. Please ensure that you download all documents to your PC as you will be required to complete and upload some of them as part of your submission. There are instructions on how to complete your submission in the Guidance for Bidders document.
17. You can now either create your response”, or “Decline” this opportunity.
(WA Ref:130422)
Under the terms of this contract the successful supplier(s) will be required to deliver Community Benefits in support of the authority’s economic and social objectives. Accordingly, contract performance conditions may relate in particular to social and environmental considerations. The Community Benefits included in this contract are:
Community Benefits at Denbighshire
The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 requires public services to work with people, communities and each other to tackle challenges Wales faces now, and in the future. The Act’s aim is to improve the long term social, environmental and economic well-being of Wales. It has been used to inform, and complements, our Corporate Plan 2022 - 2027 strategies, and corporate values. Denbighshire County Council (DCC) is committed to maximising place-based Community Benefits that support and align with our identified corporate priorities in contract and service delivery.
Denbighshire’s current corporate priorities are:
• A Denbighshire of quality housing that meets people’s needs
• A prosperous Denbighshire
• A healthier and happier, caring Denbighshire
• A learning and growing Denbighshire
• A better connected Denbighshire
• A greener Denbighshire
• A fairer, safe, and more equal Denbighshire
• A Denbighshire of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
• A well-run, high performing council
Sustainable development covers such goals as improving the environment, building stronger communities, reducing social exclusion and poverty, and the development of the economy. Denbighshire wishes to give effect to such community benefit objectives as part of this procurement. Denbighshire’s commitment to deliver community benefit outcomes from our procurement activity helps ensure wider social and economic issues are taken into account when spending public money. The intention is to achieve the very best value for money in the widest sense.
Bidders will be required to complete the community benefits plan (see below) setting out how they would support communities within Denbighshire in line with the identified priorities. The submitted plan will be evaluated and contribute 5% of total marks available. Upon award of contract to winning bid Denbighshire County Council Community Benefits Hub will be available to support and advise on the delivery of committed benefits.
Community Benefits should be proportionate to the value of contract and please only commit to what you can deliver and include a short description, with targets, of how you think it would be delivered.
If you have any questions, please raise via Proactis.
The buyer considers that this contract is suitable for consortia bidding.